Good or Bad? AoS Tournaments Are Popping Up Everywhere!

age of sigmar

With a rapid increase in popularity, Age of Sigmar tournaments are popping up in local stores, not just in gaming shops. Is this good for the hobby?

Age of Sigmar is blowing up around the world and many people are pushing to help boost this amazing table top game by holding tournaments to boost the hobby.

falls church the gun dude age of sigmar tournament

One such place is The Gun Dude in Falls Church Va. This locally owned gun shop transforms, once a month, into a battleground for Age of Sigmar players.

Checkout the event breakdown in a report from the AoS Gun Dudes

falls church the gun dude age of sigmar tournament

falls church the gun dude age of sigmar tournament

Every month, we host an Age of Sigmar Tournament at The Gun Dude in Falls Church VA.  This weekend we had our 3rd tournament and I thought I would try and document the lists that were brought as well as a run down of the scenarios played.  During this event we played “Take and Hold”, “Three Places of Power”, and “Gift from the Heavens”.

falls church the gun dude age of sigmar tournament

I was able to get a few pics of the armies together, but managed only to snag a few.  The lists are in order of their rankings in the tournament. Points were earned based on major victories (4), minor victories (3), ties (2), minor losses (1), and major losses (0).  The second number is kill points.  In order to get kill points, you must destroy an entire unit.  Kill points were used as tie breakers.  Prizes were given to first, second, third, and deadliest army (most kill points) that didn’t place in the top 3.

1. Winner of the Tournament, Undead.   (11/4100)

  • Mournghoul
  • Neferata, Mortarch of Blood
  • Necromancer (cursed book)
  • Manfred on horse
  • Corpse Cart
  • 20 Zombies
  • 30 Zombies
2. Second place Finisher, Khorne Bloodbound.  (11/2460)
  • Mighty Lord of Khorne
  • Slaughterpriest
  • Bloodstoker
  • Bloodsecrator
  • 30 Bloodreavers
  • 20 Blood Warriors
  • 3 Khorgoraths
  • 5 Skull Reapers
  • Goreblade Warband (formation)

3. Third Place Finisher, Flesh Eater Court.  (8/3480)

  • 12 Crypt Horrors
  • 30 Crypt Ghouls
  • 1 vargulf flayer
  • 1 ghoul king
  • Crypt Haunter Courtier

falls church the gun dude age of sigmar tournament

I love to see people supporting the hobby and the game in every way possible! Thank you to all of you out there who do your part in making Age of Sigmar grow! For more information about upcoming and past tournaments, and all the army lists as well as a ton more pictures, check out AoS Gun Dudes!

Suns out, Age of Sigmar Guns out!