All Four New Age of Sigmar Battleforces – UNBOXED

By Zeb Barrett | December 11th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, GW Bundle Deals, Product Review, Videos

age of sigmar battleforce

Now’s the prefect time to get into this exciting new game system, because there’s massive savings is to be had from these new Age of Sigmar Battleforces.

Come see the new Battleforces for Age of Sigmar as we unbox all four new kits and take a look at what’s inside!

Battleforce: Stormcast Eternals Sigmar's Vengeance

First up we will take a look at the Stormcast Eternals Battleforce with a massive savings inside. These aren’t the little push on sets like some in the starter boxes, they are the full on models that you would get if you bought them separately. This box, just like all other Battleforce boxes, comes with a new battalion which we will cover in the video below.

Battleforce: Ironjawz Thunderfist

Next lets take a look at the Ironjawz Thunderfist Battleforce. You need to be careful with this because the giant can not be just plugged into your destruction army because these guys can’t be battlelined then, but they can be used in this battalion together. The new ability that comes along with this battalion allows the giant to make an attack with it’s massive club in the hero phase. We break this down more in the video below but it is actually a pretty insane ability.

Battleforce: Sylvaneth Darkroot Wargrove

The Sylvaneth Battleforce is one of the top deals to come out of the Games Workshop’s doors for Age of Sigmar. This box set comes with two sets of the Kurnoth Hunters which are amazing units on the battlefield and really tear stuff up. This is not a Battleforce to sleep on because it will probably be the first to sell out.

Battleforce: Khorne Bloodbound Slaughterstorm

Last up we take a look at the Khorne Bloodbound Slaughterstorm Battleforce. This kit, like the Stormcast Eternals, comes with the full models and not just the push together minis we saw from the starter set, and it also comes with a new force organization that has the Fueled By Blood ability. This ability allows a unit in the organization to attack in the Hero Phase as though it was the Attack Phase.

To hear all we have to say about the four new Age of Sigmar Battleforce box sets, check out the video below!

Battleforce: Stormcast Eternals Sigmar’s Vengeance: $170Battleforce: Stormcast Eternals Sigmar's Vengeance

A vision of golden celestial light, a living embodiment of the God-King’s might, the Stormcast Eternals are messengers of vengeance armed with the might of stars. Once-mortal champions of Order forged by Sigmar into an astonishing fighting force, hurled down from the heavens to meet the forces of Chaos head-on, they wreak bloody revenge on the Dark Gods, the corruptors of the realms.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 19 Stormcast Eternals miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – Sigmar’s Vengeance – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!


– 1 Celestant-Prime
– 1 Knight-Azyros
– 2 Dracothian Guard
– 5 Paladins
– 10 Liberators

Battleforce: Ironjawz Thunderfist: $170Battleforce: Ironjawz Thunderfist

Huge, hulking brutes, much taller and broader than a man, the Ironjawz rumble across the mortal realms in search of a good scrap. To them, nothing is so pleasing as the sound of battle – blades on metal, screams of the dying, the clamour and rattle of absolute violence is music to their ears. The most fightsome of all orruks, the Ironjawz are rightly feared all across the realms as their numbers swell and their Waaagh! grows ever larger.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 16 Ironjawz miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – the Thunderfist – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!


– 1 Megaboss
– 1 Weirdnob Shaman
– 1 Aleguzzler Gargant
– 3 Gore-Gruntas
– 10 Brutes

Battleforce: Sylvaneth Darkroot Wargrove: $170

Battleforce: Sylvaneth Darkroot Wargrove

The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. The reborn goddess of war leads from the front as Wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground, called into being by ancient spirits. Determined to protect the Realm of Life, mighty Wargroves advance, crushing enemies with the inexorable strength of nature. Outcasts and Free Spirits strike suddenly and without warning, slaughtering the foe mercilessly to cleanse the tainted land. The sylvaneth’s rebirth will be remembered as a harbinger of absolute vengeance.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 18 Sylvaneth miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – the Darkroot Wargrove – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!


– 1 Drycha Hamadreth
– 1 Treelord Ancient
– 5 Spite-Revenants
– 5 Tree-Revenants
– 6 Kurnoth Hunters

Battleforce: Khorne Bloodbound Slaughterstorm: $170

Battleforce: Khorne Bloodbound Slaughterstorm

The murderous champions of the Chaos Gods fight furiously to extinguish the last lights of hope, and none fight harder or command more fear than the savage hordes of Khorne’s Bloodbound. Daubed with the Blood God’s rune, muscular beyond belief and foaming with rage, these warriors descend upon their enemies screaming and leave nothing alive. Since the Age of Chaos began, the Bloodbound have plagued every realm, rarely knowing defeat and unstoppably rolling over all in their path.

An instant collection in a box, this Battleforce contains 40 Khorne Bloodbound miniatures, and a Warscroll Battalion – the Slaughterstorm – meaning that as soon as you’ve assembled and painted this mighty assortment you can field them in a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!


– 1 Skarr Bloodwrath
– 1 Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer
– 3 Mighty Skullcrushers
– 5 Wrathmongers
– 10 Blood Warriors
– 20 Bloodreavers

Head over to Games Workshop and grab up your new Age of Sigmar Battleforce today before they all sell out!