An Ogor’s Best Friend: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

By Wesley Floyd | September 24th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, GW Rumor Engine, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw rumor engine

A new GW rumor engine is here and it looks like we’ve got a snapshot of an Ogor’s best friend. Check out the latest bit and let us know what you think.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine bit like clockwork showcasing what looks to be something for the Ogors. At least that’s our guess.

An Ogor’s Best Friend

rumor engine 9-24-19

After all, an Ogor’s best friend is his weapon used to capture his food. And by “capture” we mean pulverize and drag back to camp. Going off the bit, we lean more toward an Ogor weapon simply because nobody in the 40k universe carries anything remotely close to something as barbaric as this. Not even the Orruks. On top of that, it looks extremely similar to the old Ogor Tyrant weapon.

gutbuster tyrant


Old Ogor Tyrant Model

While we’ve already seen a newly previewed Tyrant model out of the Feast of Bones previews, there’s no reason why we can’t think that the Tyrants can have more than one weapon option.

Ogor ogre kingdoms tyrant Age of Sigmar

The club could be 1″ range and do more damage while the spear would have more range and do 1 less point of damage, for example.

After the new Tyrant model was previewed, it seems like things went silent for the faction. This could be another look into what’s coming for the faction very soon!

What do you think about the rumor engine? Do you think it could actually go to another AoS faction? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!