AoS Custom Scenarios: Spire of Dawn – Defend the Spire

By Travis Perkins | January 16th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, How To Tutorial

Want more from the new Age of Sigmar Spire of Dawn box set that just came out? How about some custom scenarios to go along with it?

The Spire of Dawn is great value for the money, but one thing that is lacking is a couple of scenarios to go along with it!

So in true Age of Sigmar do what you want with the game fashion I made one up. That being said this is relatively untested so if you try it out and find this or that needs a tweak feel free to let me know in the comments. The following is a set of scenarios to be played out between two armies.


Before playing:

One player is the attacker and one the defender, if cannot decide each player rolls a D6 and the higher dice gets to choose.

Army construction: Start with 1000 point Vanguard force based on points from the generals handbook, must follow pitched battle rules. Rules will follow official point values from GW and matched play rules in the general’s handbook. A player’s army must contain all models from the same grand alliance.

age-of-sigmar-stormcast-cover-book sm

Scenario 1: Defend the Spire!

In this scenario the attacker has surprised the defender and is trying to get through the gate into the Spire of Dawn. 6 inches from the defending players start area is considered impassible to represent the cliff faces of the spire of dawn. (If you have enough terrain place it otherwise, place markers to rope it off limits). No units can land on such steep cliff faces, except for one pathway up the hillside in the center of the defenders play area that is shut. If a unit is forced into that area it is considered lost and removed from play. The gate in the center is 12 inches long, no units may land behind it.

Set up: The defender places up to 400 points of their army in front of the gate, this represents the defending force left at the garrison. These units may not contain any monster or behemoth models.

The attacker then places up to 400 points within 24 inches from their table edge to represent advanced strike units. The advanced strike units may not contain any war machine, behemoth, or monster models. The attacker then may place the rest of their army within 6 inches of their table edge.

(I am not a graphic designer so please excuse my rudimentary battlefield drawing)

The game is over when either the gate is destroyed (attacker wins) or the 5th turn is finished and the gate still stands (defender wins).

The attacker takes the first turn.

On the defenders first turn they receive (100 points) of reinforcements from the spire itself. They are placed in front of the gate and may act normally.

On the defenders second turn they receive (200 points) of reinforcements that were out on patrol to arrive from either side table edge in the attackers advanced strike deployment zone. Place them 6 inches from a table edge they can move and act normally.

On the defenders third turn they receive (300 points) of reinforcements that were out on patrol to arrive from either side table edge in the attackers advanced strike deployment zone. Place them 6 inches from a table edge they can move and act normally.

If you try out the scenario and have some other rules to add or change, feel free to let us know in the comments section so others can try out different ways of playing!

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