AoS Units You Should Play With! – Forge World’s Top 5 Picks

By Zeb Barrett | July 27th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Forge World

age-of-sigmar-stormcast-cover-book sm

Forge World has picked the top five models you should include in your Age of Sigmar Matched Play games! Checkout which models they picked!

Let’s take a look at Forge World’s top five picks they think you should include in your Age of Sigmar army for Matched Play games.

Source: Forge World (facebook)

For those of you wondering what to include in your Matched Play force, here are our top picks from the the Forge World bestiary:

age of sigmar forge world top five

age of sigmar forge world top five

age of sigmar forge world top five

age of sigmar forge world top five

age of sigmar forge world top five

Head over to Forge World to see the full Warhammer Age of Sigmar range and view all of the Points and Battlefield Rolls now!

I can’t wait to see what new beautiful models Forge World will roll out next for Age of Sigmar