Back In The Saddle Again: Realm-Lords & Behemat For AoS

By Travis Perkins | June 2nd, 2020 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

lumineth realm-lords walCatch up on Lumineth Realm-Lords and Sons of Behemat with Trav’s take on the latest reveals! He’s been away a while, but he’s back, baby!

Well, it has been a crazy time since my last post (almost a month ago), and for that, dear readers, I apologize. I basically became a stay at home dad watching the two kids while my wife worked and then when she finished work, I would hop on the computer and fit in time in the evenings and weekends.

Basically, I did very little outside of watching children and working, so hobby, writing, etc. was close to zero. Lately, we have been getting help from our parents on watching the kids so I don’t have to stay up every night working to get my job done so that leaves some time to ease myself back into the hobby and catch up on what I missed.

Back In The Saddle Again: Realm-Lords & Behemat

The big two announcements being the new reveals of Sons of Behemat and the Lumineth Realm-Lords models. Let’s take a look at what we have seen and what we envision from these armies.

lumineth realm-lords fb preview 1


Lumineth Realm-Lords:

AoS finally has a “high elf” like army with emotionless elves that think they are smarter than everyone heading to battle. This has some of both my favorite and not so favorite new models that they are coming out with. I really like the Light of Eltharion model (he has a solid profile as well) and think it is really clever in how it was sculpted. The empty suit of armor is fantastic along with the pose, with a good paint job you could really highlight the empty armor making for something not seen on the battlefield before. Also, I was impressed with the Auralan Sentinals as what I am assuming is going to be a battleline role in terms of what they look like. I am really digging the samurai archer type of poses they have going and think they will look neat on the battlefield.

I am not really digging the cow / bull theme in the army though, to me it just does not really make sense outside of a Beasts of Chaos army. My least favorite model is the Teclis model with him floating like that, it is just weird looking and seems disjointed. He is rocking the MC Hammer pants, while the griffon thing behind him has a weird mask thing on and it just seems really thrown together. My most disappointing models must go to their endless spells, they just look really boring compared to the rest of the army and other armies’ endless spells with some crystals and floating runes. They could have done so much more with these spells and look like they were just slapped together last minute.

What is great about this army though is the models are not like anything else in AoS right now and so has its own distinct flavor of “aelf” different from the Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin. If the “better than you” aelfs are what you are after this army will be for you. Based on the rules that have been leaked I think it will be a smaller model count army that has a heavy emphasis on magic and ward saves. The lore behind them is interesting as well and will make for some interesting background in the books and campaigns, while it is not my cup of tea it certainly can contribute to Age of Sigmar as a whole.

lumineth realmlords wal


Sons of Behemat:

Finally, the long-awaited “Giants” army is here, and the models do not disappoint! With them being the same size as Archaon (the largest AoS model to date) I expected them to have the same price tag if not more so be ready for that. They look awesome and would be a great airbrushing project to sink your teeth into. I especially like the one with the executioner’s mask on but would gladly take any of them in my armies. Each of the three giant versions have a ton of character and would look great as a centerpiece model in any army. (The fact that any army can take them is a bonus) I have a feeling 2 – 3 of these will make up an entire Son’s of Behemat army with them being around 600-700 points, or you can just roll out one and the 4-5 of the little giants (great movie). Either way, the small model count army will appeal to a lot of players out there that do not want to move hordes of troops across the battlefield.

Rules wise I hope they figure out a way to have these models be competitive in terms of controlling objectives, especially against the high model count armies. As you can include these in any army in Age of Sigmar, I hope there are special rules for what faction they are allying with to give them some flavor. It would be cool if you bring one with your Nighthuants for example and it becomes a “ghost giant” and takes on a flavor of that army. Either way, the models are fantastic, and I think you’re going to see a lot of players taking them based on that alone.

sons of behemat gatebreakerThose are the big reveals the past month, and as the world slowly gets back to normal, I expect to see teases for another Age of Sigmar summer expansion and Generals Handbook in the coming months. Hopefully moving forward FLGS, Warhammer stores, tournaments, etc.

As we move forward and the world begins opening back up, I hope you all stay safe and healthy. Do not be afraid to not allow your opponent to touch your models/dice during games. Be sure to bring hand sanitizer and wear a mask!


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