Beastgrave: New Warband Rumors & Unboxing LATEST

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Here’s the latest on what’s confirmed and rumored to still be coming for Warhammer Underworlds Beastgrave. Check out these previews and more.

Warhammer Underworlds’ latest expansion is pitting brute strength against primal cunning. With new Warbands, rules, maps and more in store, here are the highlights of what we have to look forward to.

Beastgrave Unboxed Sprues

Beastgrave Expansion

Among two Warbands, dice, tokens, map slates, and decks of cards, coming inside the starter box, Warhammer Community also revealed the sprues of the Warbands.

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If you’re a hardcore model converter, you can get an early look at how Grashrak’s Despoilers will come on the sprue. With six models in this Warband, there are plenty of options for you to convert your fighters!

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Skaeth’s Wild Hunt might be a smaller Warband in terms of models, but they also have a prowling wild animal in their midst! Here is what the Warband will look like on-sprue inside the starter box.

Snarlfang’s Rippas Warband

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In an unlikely combination of characters in Beastgrave, three Grotz took to their hungry mounts and are making their way into the skirmish game as a three-man Warband. Gobbos are all about fighting unfair and we can see the total mentality of bringing a wolf to a swordfight for these little greenskinz!

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Rumors of Future Warbands Emerge

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There are also rumors out there of more Warbands that could be coming for this season as well. Fitting the theme of primal savagery as Beastgrave takes place in Ghur, these are the rumored future Warbands.

  • Daughters of Khaine
  • Flesh-eater Courts
  • Ogors
  • Beast Orruks (Maybe Bonesplitterz)?
  • Savage Nurgle Followers
  • Goblin Riders (see Snarlfang above)

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Looking at one of the Warband cards we’ve seen previewed for Skaeth, you can see a Daughter of Khaine unit in the art getting pummeled. Does that confirm DoK as a future Warband alone?

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In another bit of artwork on the new cards, you can see one of the Aelves attacking what looks to be an Ogor carrying something like a crossbow.

With all of these previews and rumors under our belt, Beastgrave is definitely looking like a welcome change from all the doom and gloom of Death realms. Now, we get to see raw power unfold as savage Warbands join in on the fight. Which Warband would you like to see next?

How many models do you think an Ogor Warband will have? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!