Suprise, before you rebase your minis again read all the base size changes that GW adjusted and added in their latest Age of Sigmar FAQ to close out 2019.
Coming from Warhammer Community, it looks like base sizes of a few choice units across different factions have been tweaked. This isn’t the first time that they’ve updated base size either. This time last year, we saw factions get tweaked. Keep in mind that we’ll be going over some of the highlights but it’s up to the individual player to look at their army’s full update. With that said, let’s dive in.
Base Size Changes Come to Age of Sigmar AGAIN
For the most part, the changes that came to the update are just models that were released in the ladder part of the year.
If you look on GW’s webstore, you’ll find that most of the units come with the bases required in the lists on the FAQ. For example, the Bloodmaster requires a 40mm and is sold with a 40mm.
One odd thing to point out is that with the Gloomspite Gitz Endless spells, the Arachnacauldron needs a 75 x 42mm oval base. I’ve been playing Gitz since the first week of their release and my box of endless spells came with a 75 x 42 mm base even though the GW web store says the kit only comes with only round bases.
Ossiarch Bonereapers Added
When you look, you’ll find nothing but Ossiarch Bonereapers in magenta. Don’t worry. The bases didn’t change from their initial release. They just added the faction as a baseline for future possible base changes.
With all of this announced, what other changes do you think could be on the way for Age of Sigmar? Did any of your units have their bases changed?
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