Big Box Retailers Offer GW Games In-Store & Online

target store marine logo games workshopGW might not be shipping products amid the global crisis, but there are still ways to get your hands on some of their games from these big box reatailers!

If you’ve got a Warhammer gaming itch you need to scratch, there are still ways to get a few of their games. Look through some of these and you might find a brand new game you can crack open with the family.

Big Box Retailers Offer GW Games In-Store & Online

barnes and noble gw saleIf you go to sites like Barnes & Noble, you’re still able to get your hands on boxed skirmish games like Dreadfane, Space Marine Adventures, Blitz Bowl, etc. These are designed to be easy to jump into for even the most entry-level player. That means these would be a great option to crack open with the family for game night while we’re all stuck inside. We’ve covered a few of these games in the past so check out some of the details if you need help deciding on what to get.

Combat Arena Boardgame

combat arenaCombat Arena is actually a prequel to the events at Blackstone Fortress. The setting of the game takes place in an Imperial ship where you can grab a few of your friends and duke it out between the fighters you choose. But what kind of models are found inside the game? Well, sculpts of a Crusader, a Primaris Psyker, and even a new Rogue Trader model! These models are also usable in 40k so you can paint these up and get them ready for your 40k list.

Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons

space marine adventures


heroes gameThis cooperative board game pits a team of Space Marines against the skeletal horrors of the Necrons in a fast-paced adventure set in the depths of a tomb world. Battle together against four kinds of enemies as you explore the labyrinth and complete a variety of missions.

Heroes charactersThe box includes five push fit Citadel miniatures, each of them a mighty warrior of the Adeptus Astartes. These gorgeous models have been available in some areas of the world as part of the Space Marine Heroes range, but this is currently the best way to get hold of them.

B&N Exclusive Rescue Mission Expansion

barnes and noble space marine adventures 1On top of a 40k Dungeon crawling board game, Labyrinth of the Necrons, Barnes & Noble also has an exclusive expansion dropping even more heroes into the fold.

NOTE: a copy of Space Marine Adventures Labyrinth of the Necrons is required to use this expansion. Contents: 3 plastic Space Marines

barnes and noble space marine adventures 2Like it said above, this is an expansion from the Space Marine Adventures: Necron Labyrinth Set. Coming inside this box, however, introduces three Marines originally seen from the Space Marine Heroes Series 1 (just cast in different color plastic).

  • Crimson Fist Brother Hermanez: Originally Brother Remus
  • Dark Angel Brother Bethor: Originally Brother Promethor
  • Silver Skulls Brother Maxus: Originally Brother Titius

On top of these Marine figures, it also comes with:

 6 x Activation cards and 3 x Space Marine Datacards. One for each Space Marine miniature. Each card features the rules on one side, and the rules for the model when wounded on the reverse. 2 x Mission Briefing cards, 1 x Challenge card and 6 x Special cards. Each of these cards includes special rules for each of the Space Marines included in this set. Also includes a construction guide for assembling the miniatures. This includes a guide for how to play a campaign with this mission pack.

Blitz Bowl

Blitz BowlBlitz Bowl is an introductory version of Blood Bowl bearing a 40-minute playing time that’s coming from Games Workshop in 2018.

This is an introductory game designed for coaches who don’t have time to play full-on BB, new coaches looking to get into the game, or younger folk who aren’t ready to learn the rules of the main game.

Target Also Has Some GW Games

space marines targetIf you can’t find what you’re looking for from Barnes & Noble’s listings, you can also head over to Target.

target online shoppingOn top of some of GW’s specialist games (that Barnes & Nobles has) you can also shop around for more 40k content than you might’ve first thought. Just keep in mind that Target is acting like the middle man here. The products actually shipped from different retailers which you’ll need to check if they’re still operational, depending on what you’re buying.

The crises we face have definitely tightened the restrictions on how we can get hobby goods into our hands. But after seeing Barne & Noble’s as well as Target’s product list, there are still plenty of ways to keep on hobbying and staying entertained with GW’s universes.

With all of this covered, what will you be cracking open at your next game night? Have you played any of these games from above? Which one do you recommend the most?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!