Budget Wolverine Claws: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horJust as we’re coming down from all the previews over the weekend, there’s another rumor engine to talk about. Check out the details.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine in the wake of all the weekend previews. As far as the bit goes, it looks like it’s more likely to be found in the Age of Sigmar universe but be sure to tell us your opinions on the mystery bit too! Your guess is as good as ours.

Budget Wolverine Claws: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-15-20So here’s the bit. In all actuality, this looks like an old farming tool/meat hook than anything. Because 40k is a game where some factions shoot literal black holes at the enemy, it’s probably a safe assumption to think that this rusty hook weapon will be coming to Age of Sigmar. On that note, take a look at the hand that’s holding it. It’s pretty thin and there looks to be some kind of rocky or wood like protrusion coming up from the bottom.

Beastgrave flesheatersWe’ve seen an increasing theme of Flesh-eater Courts using weapons (albeit with heavy rusting and pitting) but this could be another good candidate for some FEC models in the future. Notice something familiar out of the Grymwatch Warband?

flesheater courts weaponsLook at that. That dude has some meat hook farm tool weapons too! The Grymwatch could have been a “test” for lack of a better term, for the rest of the Flesh-eater Courts!

 What do you think we are looking at? Would you like to see the Flesh-eater Courts get a new unit? Could this be for another AoS faction?

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