Chaos Ogroid Myrmidon Unbox & Build Warhammer Warcry

Ogroid MyrmidonWondering what you should buy next for Warhammer Warcry and Age of Sigmar? Don’t miss the Chaos Ogroid Myrmidon unboxed and built!

This week we are graced by a new fatty for AoS and Warcry. So let’s crack open this new box set and get this new mini assembled and ready for the tabletop. We are also gonna show you what he does on the battlefield so you can decide if he is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars!

Ogroid Myrmidon: $40

Get Yours For Less From Miniature market or Dicehead Games!

Ogroid MyrmidonMyrmidons are masters of the Varanspire’s fighting pits, and have spent decades mastering the gladiatorial arts. In battle, they lead those who seek to join the Everchosen’s legions, for to impress a Myrmidon is to be marked for glory.

Whether you’re commanding your Slaves to Darkness or seeking favor in the Bloodwind Spoil, if you have a Chaos collection, you want an Ogroid Myrmidon. This hulking champion is more than just a deadly close combatant, but a great leader for your units. This expansion lets you bring the Ogroid Myrmidon to your games of Warcry. Add him to your Iron Golems, Corvus Cabal, Cypher Lords, Splintered Fang, Untamed Beasts, The Unmade, Spire Tyrants and Scions of the Flame warbands as an Ally, and harness deadly abilities with included fighter and ability cards.

This set contains a multipart plastic Ogroid Myrmidon with a 50mm round base. It also includes an Ogroid Myrmidon Warcry Fighter Card and ability cards in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.

Ogroid MyrmidonFirst up let’s take a look at the rules. This big boy is a tough cookie to crumble in battle sporting a heft 35 wounds. There is nothing subtle about his fighting style. He moves fast and hits hard.

Ogroid MyrmidonAs far as assembly goes this mini has a lot of computer slices and doesn’t look like there will be any way to pose this mini differently. that being said all the slices seem to line up in spots that are well hidden.

Ogroid MyrmidonAnd here he is in all his mighty glory. This mini goes together very fast and we cant wait to see what you hobby maniacs do with him on the tabletop.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our video below!