Contrast Paint Recipes & AoS Fyreslayers Rules: June WD

By Tim Roberts | June 24th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Contrast Paint recipes & new rules for Fyreslayers are here. Games Workshop’s premier hobby magazine is back with June 2019’s White Dwarf!

This months edition of White Dwarf is not only packed full of great new Contrast recipes but also new rules for Fireslayers, Blackstone Fortress, 40k Kill Team, LoTR and more. Let’s dive in.


Next month we may get our hands on some hot new rules as the July issue of White Dwarf will feature Index Astartes: Blood Ravens. We hope to see some dope entries that bring this exciting Space Marine Chapter to the forefront. More on that next month…


Though this months issue might not be centered on Warhammer 40k there is a ton of great content in the June issue still.  From Contrast Paint Splatters and schemes throughout this magazine to new rules for the mighty Fireslayers, Blackstone Fortress.  There is a plethora of content for your favorite Games Workshop specialty games.


IF you are picking up this issue for the Fireslayers alone you will not be disappointed. Not only are their new Battalions but a new character and all these new rules have are legal in matched play games because they come with POINTS!

To see more of these new rules for Age of Sigmar make sure you check out our video review below.


One of the coolest paint tutorials in this edition of White Dwarf features all contrast paints along with some of the cracked earth technical paint to create an amazing looking lava base effect that would look great if you where basing Khorne Daemons or getting your Fireslayers ready for the tabletop.


There are even new rules for your Middle-Earth fans out there. This month’s issue features new rules for The Gap of Rohan scenario to keep your LoTR fans on your toes. The White Dwarf this month is so full of great content that we can’t get to it all here. But, for a page by page run through of all this great content make sure you check out our video below.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and press play on our video below!

About the Author: Tim Roberts