Da Bad Moon Spoke To Me! ATC Army Showcase

Looking at the AoS armies spotted at the ATCs, this Gloomspite Gitz army brought all the Gobbos. Check out this amazing Grot army from the event!

The ATCs brought in players from all across the country under one roof to roll dice. While 40k was the main event, there was also some amazing Age of Sigmar armies duking it out! Check out this Gloomspite Gitz army and what it brought to win!

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Da Bad Moon Spoke To Me! ATC Army Showcase


Coming from hobbyist Carson Burns, each one of these models had some personal love put into them. The display may be flat, but all of the bases match! This isn’t your average 1 color/1 flock per base either. These Grots look like they’ve been trudging through a snowy field just beginning to thaw out.


Moving to the beatdown squad hiding inside of the other Gobbos’ numbers, the Loonmasha Fanatics were covered in detail from head to toe. With one of the smallest AoS models out there, this hobbyist had the patience to even paint the slight off-color on the knuckles and nose of the mini! Now that might be a small thing to notice but it adds so much detail army-wide.


Even the smallest Redcap Muchsrooms have crisp, clean white circles. It’sr really the small stuff that counts!


Moving onto the Stabbas, they brought their nets, shields, pokin’ sticks and a bad temper to the field. While they’re horrible on their own, they become a blender when forty or more stack up.


Behind the whole operation was Skragrott. There’s really no reason to NOT take him as the General because of how many bonus rules you get. He’s got some amazing spells, great shooting, and can control the Bad Moon!


For the last unit of the list, this player brought the Troggoth Hag. This thing is Nigh unkillable (healing D6 wounds a turn), but she’s also a great spellcaster and melee bruiser. Her only real weakness is that she’s slow. But if you need to hold an objective and sling a few spells, she’s great for the job. There are only a few units out there that can pick her up before she gets to swing.


And of course, to get the full benefit out of all of the Grots, the Loonshrine had to be taken. It’s free so why not, right? Matching the snowy bases to all of the other units in the list, this terrain piece looks like a fantastic piece tying the whole army together. Great job on the winter theme and putting so much time into each and every model!


What do you think about the Gloomspite Gitz in AoS? Do you spam Grots or Squigs? Who’s your favorite Hero to make your General? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!