Drool Effects For Miniatures Warhammer Conversions Tutorial

By Barclay Montgomery | September 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Hobby Hacks, How To Tutorial, Videos

Drool Effects For Miniatures Warhammer Conversions Tutorial

Squidmar Miniatures is back with another hobby tutorial on drool effects! Warhammer has tons of slavering monsters that would love this conversion.

One of the coolest things you can do with your miniatures is special effects. Whether for Warhammer, 40k, or even Dungeons & Dragons, practical effects can really make your models look fantastic. Today Squidmat shows us how to make highly detailed drool effects for your miniatures. Drool Effects

Drool can be a great accent to the huge maws associated with Squig models, so this is a great test subject! After painting your minis, you may find that you need a little bit more pop. This is where the drool comes in perfect to add just that little extra something to your model.

Drool Effects

To get started on the drool effect, grab some extra plastic from a flying stand stem. Cut a small sliver and heat it up with a flame. A small candle will work great to soften up our plastic sliver. Make sure you are careful and working in a well-ventilated area. Be careful to not overheat your plastic or you will get some blackened areas. With the proper amount of heat, you can create a very organic looking base for your drool.

Drool Effects

After super gluing your drool base to your miniature, use Vallejo Water Texture to accentuate the wetness. Spread it all around for an even flow. To add even more drool effect, use small plastic or glass beads. Silica gel packets are a great and cheap source of clear plastic beads. Use a moist brush to pick up your beads and add them to your drool base. And there you have it; your drool effect!

Drool Effects

Squidmar Miniatures is a great place to learn all kinds of painting techniques!  Be sure to subscribe to Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.

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