More endless spells are coming to AoS 2.0. Today, we’ll be looking at the spells Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt will be throwing onto the board.
Warhammer Community let us in on some of the rules for the models that were previewed here recently. On top of armies being able to cast “generic” endless spells, it looks like factions will have their own unique ones to cast as well.
Stormcast’s Tornado
It turns out, it’s pretty hard to aim at something when you’re caught in a tornado of whirling magic hammers. Use this to give your opponent a harder time killing your melee dudes while you run them up the board.
Everblaze Comet
It’s a giant ball of flaming anti-arcane rockiness. This is pretty gross against any army. You’ll want to place it in a sweet spot where most units are within a couple inches of each other. Slower armies will have a hard time getting away from all the mortal wounds because the 10″ bubble from the comet goes to a 5″ for the following turns.
You may really just want to make it hard for your opponent to cast stuff and instead call the comet down in front of the enemy wizard. This spell definitely has some flexibility. There’s really no drawbacks to it.
Nighthaunt’s Vault of Souls
This endless spell damages nearby models, but is also a deadly time bomb that detonates once it’s glutted itself on your foes (or any friends unfortunate enough to stand near it). If you’re feeling particularly cunning, you can use disposable units like Chainrasp Hordes to fill it up early in the game – before bringing them back using your various abilities and spells.
This spell is a ticking time-bomb. When it sucks up enough souls (whether friend or foe) It explodes into a lethal mortal wound bomb. The threat of D6 mortal wounds to everything within 6″ will force your opponent to stay as far away from it as possible. Try putting it in a corridor or narrow passage where there’s no other way to go around.
The Shyish Reaper
This scythe gets a free pivot and move when you cast it. You can move it up to 8″ in a straight line and roll a D6 for each model it passed over. If the roll is better than their save value, they take a mortal wound. This can devastate heavily armored units. If a unit’s save is a 3+, you’ll have to look for 4+s on the roll to wound. It gives swarm armies somewhat of a free pass. The great thing is most armor saves on dead things are pretty bad. Your opponent shouldn’t hurt you too much on this spell because he will have to normally roll 5s and 6s.
Mortalis Terminexus
This spell has some real utility. It’s a predatory spell which means your opponent can move it just as easily as you can so be careful. But you have the option to heal D3 wounds or deal D3 wounds a turn to anything within a 6″ bubble. If you fight on Shyish, it’s range is increased to a 12″ bubble.
This spell screams risk vs reward. You can heal D3 wounds only to have your opponent move the spell and deal D3 mortal wounds to your general or some equally important unit. Try to go 2nd so you aren’t as likely to get double-turned.
What do you think about the spells preview? What combination of endless spells are you going to be taking in AoS 2.0? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.
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