Even More High Elves? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineAnother GW rumor engine is here and it may belong to the new High Elves Lumineth Realm-lords. Check out the latest bit.

Coming from Warhammer Community, they just revealed another rumor engine bit and we have a decent idea of which faction it could be going to. Let’s dive into the bit so you can see for yourself.

GW Rumor Engine: A Lumineth Realm-lord Staff?

rumor engine 1-28-2020After looking at the bit, there are a few similarities to the Lumineth Realmlords (AKA Pointy Aelves) that were previewed at the 2020 LVO. The first is that it seems that we’re looking at the end of a finely-crafted staff.

We already know that anything belonging to an Aelf in the service of Teclis would have some dope wargear. Beyond that, there’s some kind of crescent moon that’s fixed to the end of the staff.- This detail is key.

Teclis lvo 2020Looking at the new Teclis model, he’s got a crescent moon at the very end of his staff as well. Plus, tacking on the fact that we’ve only seen about five units for the army pretty much confirms that we haven’t seen everything just yet.

lumineth realmlords 1


lumineth realmlords vanari dawnriders


lumineth realmlords light of eltharion

With all this taken into account, what do you think this bit could go to in the Realmlord army? Could it be for a cheap, on-foot Wizard? Does this bit actually go to another faction? 

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