Everything Inside The Age of Sigmar Gaming Book

By Wesley Floyd | October 1st, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Age of Sigmar has gotten a ton of support over the past year. With so many supplement books out, GW may have just made things a lot easier on hobbyists.

The Age of Sigmar Gaming book was announced from Games Workshop a while back and we’re here to see if it’s really worth a purchase. Check out a review of the book from The Dark Artisan on Youtube in this breakdown.

The AoS Gaming Book

Combining the Core Rules, Pitched Battle rules, Realm of Battle rules (including Artefacts and Spells of the Realms), the Grand Alliance allegiance abilities and 31 Pitched Battle battleplans, it’s the perfect companion for your next matched play game. 

If you’ve got your Battletome, Malign Sorcery book, Core rulebook, and the General’s Handbook, you’ve got everything you need to play. However, you can easily tell that’s a stack of books you have to lug around. If you’re wanting to slim down, you can bring your Battletome and the Gaming book. (Yes, it has all of the relevant in-game stuff condensed into one small binding).

Is The AoS Gaming Book Really Worth It?

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In the first 19 pages, you’ve got all of the generic rules on how to play the game. This ranges from terrain rules, phases of the game, and even allegiance abilities.

Battleplans From Three Different Books Inside

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Going straight into the Matched Play section, the pages point out which battlefield roles you need to fill at whichever points limit you’re playing. There are also all of the Battleplans combined from the General’s Handbook, Core Rulebook, and Malign Sorcery laid out and labeled with all of the details. To make things easier, GW also put the scenery/terrain rules in a chart again as well.

Realm Rules & Artifacts For Every Location

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Nearing the back of the book, there is a full breakdown of all of the realm rules you might need. These have all of the details for realm-specific command abilities, spells, etc. that you can use depending on where you’re fighting. All this looks to be from the core rules and Malign Sorcery as well.

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There are even tables of artifacts for each realm put into tables that you can roll for or pick manually before your game starts.

Generic Allegiance Abilities

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And finally, there are pages on the allegiance abilities ranging from generic Chaos, Order, Death, Destruction. These are only found in the Core Book normally so seeing these thrown into the book is a nice feature. It saves players wanting to use generic allegiance traits some $$$.

All in all, this book doesn’t have anything new inside. It’s an ultra condensed version of everything you need to play the game. That being said, there aren’t any points anywhere in this book. (and probably for good reason). It just means that this book will stay up-to-date a lot longer than most. Plus, you can always just download the Azyr app on your phone and plug everything in. The Gaming book is probably a top option for any new player to buy. Or any player just wanting to thin down their hobby space for that matter.

What are your thoughts on the AoS Gaming book? Will you be trimming down your book collection with this edition of rules?

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