Exciting Warcry Warband Warscroll Rules For AoS SPOTTED!

Yup that’s right, it looks like Warcry’s warbands now have official AoS rules and points costs as well. Check out how they will be playing!

The Warcry Warbands have different stats and tricks in-game that set them apart from the others. Looking at their Warscrolls for AoS, the same can be said for that game as well. Take a closer look at the Warband you’re interested in and tell us if they’ll make the cut.

Coming from the Warhammer AZYR army-building phone app, and the webstore product pages:

Don’t forget the new Slyvaneth 2.0 rules and points have been updated as well in Azyr!

Untamed Beasts

untamed bests 1

These guys are glass cannons. You can take the Untamed Beasts in a huge squad of 36 and load them up with a couple of Jagged Spears to do some decent damage. And while these guys only move 6″, the Unleash the Beast rule helps them get up the board and nab objectives or get off an early unsuspected charge.

Iron Golems

iron golems

Costing slightly more per model and not having the quite the same damage output, the Iron Golems are the tanks of the Warbands. These guys have a 4+ save and can even reroll save rolls. You can take an entire squad of 32 which means these guys can be a decent roadblock to a part of the map you need shut down for a bit.

Cypher Lords

cypher lords

The Cypher Lords real power lies in combat with the ability of subtracting 1 from all hit rolls against an enemy unit in combat. They don’t have a great save or damage output but can be an awesome support tool to run with another unit that you don’t want to be killed.

Chaos Beasts


Furies are a whopping 10 Bravery but don’t have any save characteristic. They’ve got some decent attacks getting two a pop at -1 Rend. But their strongest ability is Sneaky Little Devils. Furies can fall back out of sequence in order to stay alive! Try bringing a minimum squad of 6 to grab objectives while everyone is busy. Whenever your opponent sees what you’re doing, just have them fly out of combat and stay alive for another turn.


Raptoryx are another unit that doesn’t have any save characteristic. However, with a 10″ move and three attacks on the charge, these are a decent unit to take if you’re wanting to clear screens like Gloomspite Stabbas or Skaven Clanrats.

While not all of the new model range was covered, it’s exciting to see how these guys will be playing in AoS. With these warscrolls previewed, do you think one of these Warbands has what it takes to be used in the competitive meta?

Which Warband are you going to be playing with first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!