Exclusive Bonereaper Models: Feast of Bones Unboxing

By Tim Roberts | November 4th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Exclusive Ogor & Boneraper Models Feast of Bones UnboxingThe eagerly awaited Feast of Bones starter box is here for AoS! Watch as we break down this new box and see if it is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

The wait is over hobby maniacs Feast of Bones is here and already sold out on Games Workshop’s US site. We got our hands on a copy and are going to pour over this new box set to see if it is worth the money. Plus we’ll show you what some of these new minis look like on the tabletop too!

Feast of Bones Starter Box: $195 (Sold Out)

Get Yours For Less From Minature Market or Dicehead Games!

Feast of Bones


– 26 multipart, beautifully sculpted Citadel miniatures
Unleash the Ogor Mawtribes with 6 Ogor Gluttons, 2 Leadbelchers, 1 Ironblaster and a plastic Ogor Tyrant available first in this set, or march for Nagash with 10 Mortek Guard, 3 Necropolis Stalkers, 2 Morghast Archai and Vokmortian, sinister Master of the Bone-tithe.

Feast of Bones Value 1


If you can get your hands on one of these hot new boxes from your FLGS or an online store like Miniature Market, or Dicehead Games then it is definitely worth the money. For $195 you are getting an extra $150 worth of hobby greatness. That is some great hobby value especially if you are splitting this box with a friend.

However, keep in mind that Looncurese was only $160 and contained $300 or so in value. So it seems the price points have been raised a little by Games Workshop with this release.

Feast of Bones

And here are some of the newBonereapers models from the Feast of Bones Starter Set. These minis have a ton of detail, however, there are also a ton of mold lines to trim as well. Overall though the styling is great, and we can’t wait to see how these new servants of Nagash interact with the game as a whole.

For a better look at the rest of the Feast of Bones Starter Set minis including assembly tips and instructions and a look at all the new minis (like the Ogor Tyrant) check out our video below!