Secret Tech For Detailing Fur, Flesh, & Ogor Mawtribes Armor

Secret Tech For Detailing Fur, Flesh, & Armor TUTORIALIf you’re looking for inspiration or help with your Ogor units now that they got their Battletome, check out Rob’s Mournfang Pack tutorial.

In our previous Ogor Painting Tutorial, we went over how to pull off horns, fast fur, and a bunch of other neat hobby how-to techniques. Going off of where we left the Mournfang previously, here is where you want to keep working on the fine detailing.

Hitting the Metal & Leather With a Wash

ogor mournfang wash

Rob put a gloss coat of varnish on top of the model before any washes were applied. This is just a protective layer for the paint and preps you for a wash. Next, Rob mixed the Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil gloss washes together to create a grimy metal wash. By applying these washes over a semi-gloss varnish, the paints are more controllable and are easier to correct, vs. if you put the wash directly over the freshly-dried paint with no barrier.

mournfang cavalry wash

When you do the Ogor Rider’s armor, make sure you also do a once-over pass on the leather straps on the Mournfang.

Pulling Details Out of the Skin

ogor reikland flesh wash

After the armor wash dried, Rob applied the Gloss Reikland Flesh to the skin of the Ogor.  Once again the Gloss varnish, coupled with the Semi-Gloss varnish makes for extremely smooth and near perfect drying.

Flesh Detail

Once the washes are dry, its time to head back to the skin with a quick highlight layer using a light flesh tone. Pay careful attention to where the light is brighter on the model and go over those areas with small strokes of a highlighted flesh paint. Then you’re all done. Just remember to matte varnish your models when everything including the washes are dry. Otherwise the paint may rub off during gameplay. 

Check out the entire tutorial in the link below for detailed paint lists and instructions!

What color scheme did you go with for your Ogors? Are you playing exclusively Beastclaws or do you prefer Ogors on-foot? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!