Heresy Labs has some great unique minis for your next adventure. Let’s take a look at the Citizens of the Old World Kickstarter.
If you need some unique new townspeople for your next epic RPG adventure then Heresy Labs has got you covered. Let’s take a look at some of their new minis.
“Citizens of the Old World” – Resin and STL by HeresyLab:
HERESYLAB – Many years in the hobby, covering all aspects of it, and with 20 years of experience in manufacturing metal, resin and plastic models. In the past 18 months I have designed over 80 models for our range, and delivered over 60000 miniatures to our backers and customers, facing some rough circumstances and unexpected issues. To include last one HG2.0 were we delivered 16000 miniatures (1250 packages) on schedule.
Axia – one of the brains behind this project and is following its aspect and style. Commission painter and head of Axia painting studio, until last November was part of the Forgeworld ‘Eavy metal team. Before that he worked with several companies and he wants now to put his experience in developing a line of grimdark, low fantasy models that can fit several games, ranging from miniatures games to pure rpg ones.
Citizens of the Old World will begin with 10 figures and expand to add more figures, add-ons, and freebies based on funding. If a picture is worth a thousand words than these images should speak for themselves.
The unique minis in this new Kickstarter have some character traits that pretty much write themselves. Let’s take a look at some of the minis.
Let Heresy Labs help you to create a one of a kind environment for your next traveling adventures. Make sure you visit Citizens of the Old World to see all the great minis and pledge levels today!