Forge World Updates AoS 2.0 Rules & Points

By Wesley Floyd | June 29th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Forge World

Forge World Updates AoS 2.0 Rules & Points

If you play a Forge World exclusive army, then we have good news for you. They just released updates for their AoS 2.0 Second Edition rules and points!

Forge World has updated their three Age of Sigmar army compendiums. Go download them from their site for free and see what your army is getting in AoS 2.0. The books have the stat cards, point costs, and command abilities for your units.

Forge World Updates AoS Rules & Points

Forge World Updates AoS 2.0 Rules & Points

Tamurkhan’s Horde

tamurkhan horde cover

Tarmurkhan stat

Tarmurkhan is an absolute beast just like you’d expect. getting 12 attacks base at -1 rend can mulch through infantry. Feast of the Maggot Lord lets you get one last shot at killing a hero before dying. If you do manage to kill him, Tarmurkhan just heals D6 wounds back instead of being removed from play. Talk about a plot twist.

Legion of Azgorh

Legion of Azgorh cover


drazhoath the ashen

Drazhoath is mortal wound monster. Dishing out mortal wounds is his hobby. He has a spell that can do D6 mortal wounds and does a mortal wound to enemies around him on a 4+ just because he can. Don’t forget that he can ignore wounds on a 5+ and dish out a mortal wound back. Prepare to burn and decimate your enemies in the new edition. Hopefully, your opponent will let you fight in your home-realm of Aqshy. max out the in-game fluffiness and get a bonus to spellcasting.

Monstrous Arcanum

Monstrous arcanum

You may want to get this book at the very least. If you have any Forge World creatures or monsters, they’ll be in here. This is definitely the biggest of the three compendiums.


mourngul 1

troggoth hag 1

troggoth hag

All three books are completely free to download. With that being said, If you are wanting to start a new army for the new edition, then why not sit back and read some pages out of each one to help you decide what faction to choose.

For the people that already have a Tarmurkhan’s horde or Chaos Dwarves army, you got pretty lucky that your entire army list came out before the new edition. How do you think the rules for the two armies turned out?

Will you be building one of these armies in the new edition? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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