Forge World Updates Chaos’ AoS Matched Play Points

Tamurkhan The Throne of Chaos Wal HorForge World just dropped another update for Matched Play points in Age of Sigmar. Come take a look at the latest changes for your Chaos Aligned armies.Forge World just put out another update for Chaos and their points for Matched Play.

Let’s take a look at how much their models are going to cost you now if you want to field them in your army.

Forge World Sigmar Forge World Sigmar

One of the books being updated is the Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos which covers Nurgle. Tamurkhan himself is a Behemoth coming in at 680 points, and a fantastic looking model! Who wouldn’t want to ride around on a giant toad lizard dragon thing?!

Tamurkhan The Throne of Chaos

The Legion of Azgorh is the other army that looks to have gotten an update for so make sure you head over and check those out as well. If you play either of these armies you might want to check out the new points before your next Age of Sigmar Matched Play game.

This probably isn’t the only update we’re going to see come out of Forge World in the near future. With the release of 8th edition 40k upon us we can probably expect to see an update to some of the other Forge World models and rules as well.

UPDATE: Forge World’s post announcing these new points was taken down off their Facebook page.

What are your thoughts on the latest point updates? Let us know in the comments below.

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