Forge World’s 12 Best Selling AoS Minis For 2019

By Wesley Floyd | May 6th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Forge World

age of sigmar fantasy Hor

Think you know which Forge World models sell the most? Today we’re going to take a look at the Top 12 bestsellers for Warhammer Age of Sigmar!

Forge World has a long list of AoS best sellers. With GW updating a faction just about every other month, we’re starting to think that Forge World’s AoS models are only going to become more popular.

Dread Saurian $230

Dread Saurian

Dread Saurian Of all the reptillian nightmares that inhabit the jungle-shrouded continent of Lustria, Dread Saurians are one of the most feared; an echo of ancient days when huge beasts such as they did battle with the forefathers of dragons for supremacy.

These guys are absolutely massive and is THE heavy hitter for the Lizardmen. It’s got a tall price tag but it’s gorgeous and massive!

Mourngul $58


The Mourngul is a terror to fight on the tables of AoS. This thing can rip and tear its way through the ranks of troops and keep going. Plus, the model is just really spooky.

Colossal Squig $100

colossal squig 3

Any Squig-focused army should have one of these guys as the flagship. He’s fast and can unload an unholy amount of D3 damage attacks. Of course, his only weakness is that he’s a giant unarmored red blob of skin.

Troggoth Hag $100

troggoth hag

Don’t let the model fool you. Even though she looks like a grumpy old lady, she can lay down the hate and take a beating. She heals D6 wounds a turn and especially hates Wizards in particular. If you’re running Destruction and need a spellcasting lynchpin, she might be your “go-to”.

Squig Gobba $76

squig gobba

Decent shooting is fairly rare in AoS. It’s even rarer in a Squig army. If you need some artillery in your life, you might want to grab a Squig Gobba. It’s definitely popular.

Night Goblin Command Set $55

night goblin command set

Need some key Gloomspite characters? This wouldn’t be a bad buy. This set has the Shaman, a standard bearer, and an armored-up cave Squig. These guys are cheap heroes that might be really useful depending on what kind of list you’re running.

Infernal Guard Fireglaives $67


The Fireglaive is a compact repeating handgun that also incorporates a single-edged blade that can be wielded much like a halberd. The Fireglaive is a complicated weapon to manufacture, and a difficult one to master, so their use is largely confined to the elite Infernal Guard and to the Daemonsmiths that fashion them.

Infernal Guard Ironsworn $67

infernal guard ironsworn

If you prefer your Dwarves to hit stuff in melee, you can get the close combat form of the Infernal Guard armed with axes and shields.

Bull Centaur Renders $100


Bull Centaur Renders are hulking and monstrous creatures who rage with a great hunger for flesh. The first of their kind were survivors of the Time of Chaos. Warped by the tides of horror that engulfed the realms, more than any other they were twisted into the semblance of Hashut, the terrible Father of Darkness.

Skaarac the Bloodborn, Great Khorgorath of Khorne $220

Do you hate magic and love hulking monstrous creatures? Skaarac might be just the thing your Khorne list is missing. Take this guy and let him get his share of skull-collecting in!

K’daai Fireborn $67

The priests of Hashut have long sought to create something more than a mere bound spirit and with the K’daai Fireborn they have succeeded; through their dark arts they have forged a race of powerful warriors, half-daemon and half-raging fire. 

Stormcast Eternals Head Upgrades #2 $19

stormcast women

If you like your Stormcast to all look like characters, you might want to trade their helmets in for these heads! They add an incredible amount of character to your army once you see 20+ gathered up!

What do you think about Forge World’s best sellers list? What will you be picking up for your army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.