Gamemat EU Competitive Battle Mat Perfect for 40k!

Gamemat EU has just released their first-ever Competitive Battle Mat that is perfect for Warhammer 40k. Who better to make this than a group of fellow hobbyists?

Gamemat EU has joined the fight for a better hobby experience by releasing a competitive Battlemat perfect for games or Warhammer 40k. Tabletop gamers everywhere know the difficult processes of game setup and we will take any shortcut to expedite that process. This mat is perfect for anyone looking to make the setup of a game faster and get dice rolling sooner.

No matter what type of hobby supply you are looking for or models themselves, you can check out Gamemat EU. They have a wide variety of hobby essentials and it is very much worth a visit to their site. Let’s take a closer look at the new mat!

44″x60″ -Competitive: 75,00€

40k Marked MapClassic sci-fi streets with subtle markers for objectives. 44×60 is the perfect size to field any of your wargames. The rubber base helps it to be more sturdy than most game mats and also to keep it from sliding around. This makes the mat a little more heavy to lug around but also prevents a lot of wear and tear…unless you play chaos.

Battle mat (play mat or game mat) is suitable for Warhammer 40 000, Age Of Sigmar, Star Wars: Legion, X-Wing, and other board games and tabletop war games. Battle bag included.

Mission Cheat Sheet:

40k Mat CheatsheetThis displays all the layouts for each mission. You have easily eliminated 15 mins of measuring for deployment and objectives!

40k Mat Example

These mats are perfect for tournament play and will make any battle feel true to the theme. Roll out the battle mats and deploy your models, it’s that simple!

That’s all that needs to be said about this amazing product. Save yourself some time and money and go get this mat!

Get Your New 40k Competetive Battle Mat Here!