Gather Your Party: Age of Sigmar RPG Is INCOMING!

By Wesley Floyd | February 24th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, RPG, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The very first Warhammer RPG looks to be on the way for Age of Sigmar’s Mortal Realms as Cucible 7 just make a big announcement!

Cucible 7 is a game- developing company that’s made The One Ring roleplaying game, Adventures in Middle-earth, Warhammer Fantasy roleplay fourth edition and many more. However, their latest project is an RPG set in the Age of Sigmar timeline.

Check out their first teaser for the AoS RPG!

Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game

aos rpg

Among the first previews spotted for the game, they released its cover art. As the player, you’ll be playing as a hero from the Mortal Realms set on defeating Nagash’s advancements ultimately pushing back the cold grip of Death from the land. Looking at the cover art, we can spot a Stormcast Eternal, some kind of Priest, a Kharadron Overlord, a Deepkin Sorcerer(?), and last but not least, some sort of Sylvaneth Tree-model.

As for the tides of death, we can see some of the newer models that came to the Nighthaunt faction like Chainrasp Hordes and Glaivewraith Stalkers. However, if you look near the Heroes, there may be some Khornate berserker involvement as well! (The guy in the red armor is definitely running straight at the main characters).

What’s the Game Looking Like?

Since this will be a roleplaying game, it’ll be using a D6 dice system with attributes, skills, and talents giving bonus dice to your pool when you roll for something.

When you decide to make your character, you’ll need to spend points into these three trees. So what’s the scoop on these three characteristics?

  • Attributes: Each character has three attributes split into Mind, Body, and Soul. These represent the innate makeup of your characters such as physical prowess, intelligence, and strength of will.
  • Skills: You’ll be able to choose from 24 different skills. Skills are things that your character happens to be proficient with. (while there haven’t been any details on the skills, we’re guessing  it could include things like one-handed fighting, lockpicking, etc.).
  • Talents: These are unique abilities that further define what you are capable of, such as casting spells!


kharadon overlord wal

Like any Roleplaying game you’ve ever played, there is always some kind of “background” your character has. Some games call them classes, and others call them archetypes. Crucible 7 touched on what kind of archetypes there will be to pick from at the very start of the game!

we are happy to confirm the Knight-Questor and Knight-Incantor of the Stormcast Eternals, Auric Runesmiter of the Fyreslayers, Aether-Khemist of the Kharadron Overlords, Isharann Tidecaster of the Idoneth Deepkin, Witch Aelf of the Daughters of Khaine, Excelsior Warpriest of the Devoted of Sigmar, Former Freeguild Soldier of the Free Peoples, Kurnoth Hunter of the Sylvaneth, Skink Starpriest of the Seraphon, and the mysterious Realmswalker.

AoS Roleplay Setting

hysh aos

The Realms in AoS are almost limitless, and to free up the gaming options of players, they decided not to focus in on one Realm as the sole setting. Instead, the game developers are giving background information on all the Realms to help the GM craft a story for his playgroup. However, the core book will be going in-depth on the Realm of Aqshy. Touching on daily life, what people trade and who they trade with etc.

While we still have a while before the game is complete, we can use this information to brainstorm campaign ideas for local playgroups. Keep an eye out for even more previews as they make some headway on the game! What are your thoughts on an AoS-themed roleplaying game?

Have you ever played a game of D&D or Pathfinder? Which did you prefer? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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