General’s Handbook 2019: Open War Battleplan Generator

sorcerer age of sigmar new model bits

The General’s Handbook 2019 is bringing us an easier way to play Age of Sigmar. Check out the new Open War mission generator.

Warhammer Community announced a new way to set up your Open War games that can be generated in half the time and still keep the crucial balancing. But that’s not the only thing they’ve shown on the coming book.

Check out our last article on Narrative Campaigns and more!

 New Open War Battleplan Generator


You might not always have the time or the space to get a full-sized game of AoS in. With that in mind, GW made a battleplan generator that we can use to throw some models on the board quickly.

Designed for battlefields around 30-36” by 40-48”, this system creates battleplans that are fast, fun and offer distinct tactical challenges, making them perfect for gamers short on time and space who are looking to get a great game in.

battleplan deployment

In the Generator, you roll for:

  1. Deployment Map
  2. Final Objective
  3. Twist

As far as objectives and Twists go, they’ll give you a key mission for your game and throw a little random spice in there to shake things up. This is really nothing new to the Open War card decks we’ve seen in AoS and 40k. However, there is also a list generator to pair.

Open War Army Generator


army generator

If you don’t feel like sitting down for 20 minutes to throw a list together, you’ll also be able to generate the army you play off of a deck of cards or by dice rolling. You might think that picking your army from a deck of cards might be reserved for Open Play. But imagine drafting a random army at a Matched Play tournament.

This deck could add another layer of twist to the game as you show up on tournament day having no idea what you’ll be fielding!

gloomspite preview 4

With more on the General’s Handbook revealed, what are your thoughts on the Open War list generator? Would you be willing to draft a list at a Matched Play event? Would you recommend the older Open War decks with Objectives/Twists to other players?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.