General’s Handbook & Blood Bowl: Pre-Order Details

warhammer gw store new releasesThe new 2020 Generals Handbook and a bunch of Blood Bowl are on the way, so don’t miss the latest round of releases and pricing!

The next set of new AoS rules, plus some all-new Blood Bowl teams are coming. Check out the new models for Blood Bowl, including all the releases you can get your hands on starting July 11th!

General’s Handbook 2020 $35

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Generals Handbook 2020Inside this year’s softback General’s Handbook, you’ll find…

– New Open Play Rules
– New Narrative Play Rules
-New Matched Play Rules

– Conquest Unbound – Find tournament packs for Pitched Battles, Meeting Engagements, Coalition of Death, and Team Format Battles.
– Open War Army and Terrain Generators – Challenge yourself with a randomly generated army on a randomly generated battlefield! Let the story write itself.
– Pitched Battle Profiles – This separate, 32-page booklet contains pitched battle points values, unit sizes and battlefield roles for the units you can use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, as well as scenery, endless spells, Compendium and Forge World models.

Spike Issue 09 $15

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Spike 09Stephan Half-Elf is our (very appropriate) guest editor for a very special issue of the dedicated Blood Bowl background and rules magazine, Spike! Journal. He takes a look at something rather unusual – mixed teams that combine players from different races and cultures into something altogether new! Find out how they get along (or don’t), how to build your roster and achieve victory on the gridiron.

Underworld Creepers $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

skaven and gobo bloodbowl


creepers sprue 1


creepers sprue 2


creeper sprue 3This multipart plastic kit contains components from both the existing Goblin and Skaven team sets. You’ll be able to build 6 unique Goblins with interchangeable heads, 3 Skaven Linemen, 1 Skaven Blitzer, 1 Skaven Thrower, and 1 Skaven Gutter Runner. Alongside the players, the set contains 3 Goblin and 3 Skaven balls, plus one of each team’s tokens and turn markers! You’ll also find an Underworld Denizens transfer sheet and 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases.

Middenheim Maulers $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

dwarf & humans bloodbowl


maulers sprue 1


maulers sprue 2


maulers sprue 3This multipart plastic kit contains components from the existing Human, Dwarf and Halfling team sets. You’ll be able to build 3 unique Halfling Hopefuls, 3 Human Linemen, 1 Human Blitzer, 1 Human Thrower, 3 Dwarf Blockers, 1 Dwarf Runner, 1 Dwarf Blitzer, and 1 Dwarf Troll Slayer. You’ll also get 3 Dwarf and 3 Human balls, plus one each of Human and Dwarf team tokens and turn markers! You’ll also find an Old World Alliance transfer sheet and 15 32mm Blood Bowl bases.

Old World Alliance Team Card Pack $27

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Old World Alliance Team Card PackThis deck of 44 cards helps you focus on your game and keep track of your stats and special rules. Old World Alliance teams can include a diverse array of players, so you can have everything you need to hand!

Maulers and Creepers Pitch $47

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

BB arenasThis double-sided board depicts two entirely different pitches, one for an Old World Alliance team, and the other for Underworld Denizens. On one side, you’ll find a cobblestone market square, hastily cleared for a game. Barrels, bottles, tables and stalls surround the edges of the pitch, and the end zones are marked out in pink and cream checked patterns. Flip it over to find a dank cavern pitch, littered with ominously glowing fungus. Cracks in the stone have been patched up, and the remains of unfortunate victims can be seen casually strewn about. The End Zones are marked in glowing green checks. 

What will you be grabbing out of this release wave? Will you be either of the new Blood Bowl teams? What new rules do you think are coming to AoS?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! This post contains affiliate links, as an eBay Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.