Gloomspite Gitz Models, Endless Spells & More REVEALED

By Wesley Floyd | December 26th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Gloomspite Gitz got a massive preview with new models, Endless Spells, and a brand new video. Check out what’s on the way for these little Greenskinz.

Games Workshop has been putting the hype on these guys here lately with videos and talk of what’s to come. Now, we’ve got an in-depth peek at what’s ahead. Let’s break everything down starting with the video!

If you haven’t seen some of the earlier previews, make sure you do yourself justice and take a look!

Gloomspite Gitz Revealed

This video is FULL  of new models in stunning detail. All of the Grotz and Squigs look to have been updated to show a more “menacing and serious” vibe over the old wacky model poses.

The Loonking Rises

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The Loonking may be a faithful leader. But he really just wants to dominate everything in existence because the Moon told him to do it once upon a time. Either way, he’s the most stylin’ Grot out there with his steel-tipped shoes and Squig robe carriers.

Squigs are Back in Action

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The Squig Riders look like they’ve managed to all face the same direction when going into battle. These guys are armed to the teef’ with rusty hooks, knives, and mallets.

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The red beady eyes of a new Grot model clanking cymbals together may be some kind of Squig Herder unit. Could this be a character that buffs the two-legged monstrosities?

Da Bad Moon Loonshrine

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Keeping up with GW’s latest trend, factions are getting terrain pieces (Similar to the Feculent Gnarlmaw for Maggotkin of Nurgle).  What kind of rules could this Bad Moon Loonshrine have?

New Fanatic Models & Weapons

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The Fanatic on the bottom right serves as a perfect example as to what happens when you eat one-too-many Mushrooms. The other Fanatic models perfectly show the recklessness and damaging potential of these guys.

A new weapon called the Puffshroom can be given to the Sporesplatta Fanatics. We have no idea what the stats for this thing will be but Fanatics have historically been very good. 

New Endless Spell Models

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It turns out that there’s power in the Moon after all! These AoS Grots are looking to get four new Endless Spells. You’ll soon be able to blow your enemies away with Mushroom clouds and chase them down with a Spider-legged Cauldron.

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Going against someone with a Spider phobia? Make their game even more difficult by summoning a swarm at their feet.

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We’re not sure how this spell came about…But our guess is that it involved a bored Shaman and his pet Spider.

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Last but not least, the faction is getting some fleshy Squig dice. Their warts are what you count for the roll! (Those are actually kind of gross.)

What do you think about the Gloomspite Gitz in AoS now? What’s your favorite unit they have in their arsenal? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.