GW Announces Carrion Empire & New 40k GSC Releases!

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Not one but TWO new Battletomes are on the way for Age of Sigmar plus a new starter box, and more Genestealer Cults for Warhammer 40k!

If you love Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar, next week’s new releases from Games Workshop may give you a hard time choosing what to buy next!

GW is releasing a double whammy next week! Two armies are getting new rules for the Mortal Realms, plus a new battle box. On the Warhammer 40k side of things, more Genestealer Cults are on the way as well!

Let’s dive into the Skaven and Flesh-eater Courts!

Inside this battle box, you’ll find everything you need to build two armies and then pit them against one another in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar – with rules, token sheets and even two new character models exclusive to this set.

This set offers a phenomenal saving on getting the models inside separately – even before you include the new characters, a wealth of lore, art and all the other stuff you get in the box!

GW preorder release

If your goal is to learn AoS and bring a friend in on the action then this one’s for you!

Next up; Skaven gets a super battletome!

Forging together the forces of Clans Skryre, Pestilens, Moulder, Verminus, Eshin and the Masterclan into a single Skaventide, this is the battletome the Great Horned Rat has been waiting for since Warhammer Age of Sigmar was released. Each of the Clans has its own allegiance abilities representing their tactics and character, but you’ll also be able to field them as a single, coherent and deadly force.

GW preorder release

This battletome contains loads of new rules content and cements skaven as a major power player both on the tabletop and in (and between) the Mortal Realms. We’ll be bringing you in-depth previews of what you can expect from the book next week.

Like other armies this edition, skaven will even be getting new scenery – in this case, a tunnel network of Gnawholes – as well as new Endless Spells, custom dice and Warscroll Cards.

GW preorder release


GW preorder release

GW preorder release


GW preorder release


GW says the Skaven should have everything you need for your next gaming gathering, and with all the clans in one book they may just be right!

Flesh-eater Courts get an updated battletome as well!

Death Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts updates one of Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s most popular armies for the new edition of the game, bringing together allegiance abilities, deeper rules and more to bring the army fully up to date.

GW preorder release

You’ll be able to customise your characters with new magic and artefacts, or dedicate your army to one of the Grand Courts. Side with Gristlegore, for example, and you’ll get to take Royal Zombie Dragons as Battleline!

You’ve got new models on the way too, in the form of the Charnel Throne terrain piece and a gruesome set of Endless Spells. A set of handy Warscroll Cards rounds out the range, ensuring that keeping track of your units is simple.

GW preorder release
GW preorder release
Now let’s see what GW has on the way for the Genestealer Cults on the 40k side of things!
…Achilles Ridgerunner – a mobile assault vehicle that’s great for adding some fast-moving firepower to your army. In the kit, you’ll find everything you need to build and equip one with your weapon of choice – a heavy mining laser, missile launcher or heavy mortar – as well as a range of wargear options. Build yours as a tank hunter, or dedicate it to supporting your Atalan Jackals – the choice is yours!

GW preorder release

Fans of Aberrants will want to make sure they grab a Biophagus. This mad scientist fits in your Elites slot and supercharges your units with his genetic experiments – as if Aberrants weren’t already scary enough!

Speaking of Aberrants, these mutant monstrosities – and their leader, the Abominant – will be available to pre-order separately next weekend. If you missed out on Tooth and Claw, here’s your chance to add these brutes to your collection.

GW preorder release
All of these miniatures will be going on pre-order in the coming weekend. So keep your eye out for more details of what you can expect from them, right here on Spikey Bits!
Which of these new releases are you looking forward to the most? Will you be transforming your gaming experience? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and get your free hobby updates each morning as well!