GW Brings Grand Tournaments Back To The USA!

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They’re back! Games Workshop announced Grand Tournaments are headed to North America in 2019. Check out the details on what we know so far.

Warhammer Community just announced that a special Grand Tournament would be held in Texas August 10th-11th, 2019 at the Grapevine Convention Center. Before you start scrambling for your models, sit back and take a good look at everything that’ll be at the event for 40k and AoS.

Everything For Warhammer 40k

If you’re a fan of 40k’s competitive scene, there’s something for you. You’ll be able to play in the Grand Tournament set under Match Play guidelines and at 1,750 pts. If narrative is more your focus, there’s something especially for you too.

Special Entry Vigilus Campaign

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Players will be bringing a fully painted 50 Power Level narrative army to the event and fight against other players across key sectors in the Vigilus campaign. Before you start making your lists, there’s a catch:

If you’re wanting to play in the Narrative Vigilus event, you’ll need to “earn” your way in by participating in other Vigilus events or AoS-related things at GW stores until then.

You can earn entry to the event by taking part in specific Vigilus & Warhammer Age of Sigmar activities in North American Games Workshop and Warhammer stores and getting their Vigilus Coin or Warhammer Age of Sigmar wristband.

The current event you can take part in to earn entry is the Vigilus Ablaze Escalation League. Ask your local games Workshop or Warhammer store for more details on how you can earn your coin and/or wristband.

40k Miniature Painting Competition

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If you’ve been itching to test your painting skills and see how you square up to some of the other painters across the Country, then slap some paint on a miniature and enter it into four different categories:

  • Warlord
  • Troops & Elites
  • Heavy Support
  • Detachments

What’s in Store for Age of Sigmar?

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If you’re a fan of the fantasy side of things, there will be plenty for you to do too.

AoS Grand Tournament

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Wanting to throw down with some competitive AoS? You’ll need to bring a 2,000 pt Match Play army and be prepared to fight in different realms.

Narrative AoS Campaign

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If you want to stick to the narrative scene, you’ll be needing to bring a 1,000 pt fully painted force that’ll be able to hold its own across three different realms. We don’t know what those realms will be just yet so hope for the best and prepare for the worst!

AoS Miniature Painting Competition

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If you’re wanting to flex your hobby skills with an AoS model or two, you’ll be able to bring your painted masterpieces and enter them in to win under four different categories:

  • General
  • Battleline
  • Behemoth
  • Warscroll Battalion

Tickets go on sale May 11th for the first North American Grand Tournament of 2019 in Texas on August 10th and 11th.

You’ve got plenty of time to start from scratch and have fun with a model that you may have never even tried to paint before. Remember, this all goes down in Texas August 10th-11th, 2019 at the Grapevine Convention Center. In the meantime, let us know what you’ll be planning on participating in under the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.