GW Bans & Restricts Warhammer Underworlds Cards

GW dropped the ban hammer on some cards from Warhammer Underworlds and restricted others, plus they also announced a new deck builder as well!

Coming from Games Workshop first, the skirmish game we know and love as Warhammer Underworlds is getting some changes. Some cards are getting restricted and others, outright banned.

WHU: Restricted Card list

restricted cards warhammer underworld

Let’s clarify restricted.  The GW team found that these six cards keep popping up in the top-level tournaments. They want a little bit more diversity in decks and because of this, they’ve restricted each deck to only allow five of these cards.

  • Advancing Strike
  • Fired Up
  • Earthquake
  • Twist the Knife
  • Slumbering Key
  • Helpful Whispers

WHU Card Ban List

WHU banlist

If you are playing in any Warhammer Underworlds Organized Play event, you are not allowed to play any of these cards. Games Workshop has come out and said that they want to ban the least amount of cards as possible.

However, these are the first three to make the list.

  • Great Concussion
  • Quick Thinker
  • Time Trap

You can even download the Restricted/Banlist for the game now.

An Online Deck Builder Comes to WHU

WHU deckbuilder wal

If you’re tired of looking up cards on google and thumbing through your collection of cards, then we’ve got great news for you. An online deck building page is finally up and running. You’ll be able to scroll through the entire collection of cards the game has to offer. Or, you can always use the search bar to find exactly what you’re looking for.

WHU deckbuilder 2

You’ll be able to click the cards you want and they’ll autofill into a decklist to the right of the page. From there, you can name your decks and save them to your computer for later.

This update may have changed your decks a bit, but at least we’ll be getting a more-unique tournament setting with a ban list.

How do you feel about the restrictions and bans? Are you going to be testing decks with the online deck builder?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.