GW Previews New AoS Nighthaunt Rules

By Wesley Floyd | June 25th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Reikenor, the Grimhailer

GW just previewed new Nighthaunt heroes rules today and we’ve got their entire breakdown here for you. Who knew spirits would be able to do so much damage?

Warhammer Community just released the rules sheet for 3 Nighthaunt heroes.  Let’s take a closer look at how these spirits will lead the dead in the new version of Age of Sigmar. Maybe this will settle the dilemma on what hero you want to grab first.

Starting off with the Lady herself…

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief

lady olynder

lady olynder

Lady Olynder helps your army do what it does best – grind the enemy down through attritional warfare. You’ll win with Nighthaunt not by shattering your opponent in a single turn, but by playing the long game, using your units’ inherent resilience, not to mention abilities that sustain and heal them, to outlast your enemies.

Lady Olynder seems squishy at first with only 7 wounds but you’ll find she’s pretty survivable with Her Ethereal rule that essentially gives her an unchanging 4+ save. She’s got a decent number of attacks that can get through medium armor but you don’t take her to slap people. She’s an absolute mortal wound engine having 4 different ways of doing mortal wounds in a turn, and she can use her Hourglass and heal D6 wounds or deal D6 mortal wounds once per game. It’s powerful and free!

She can also make an enemy unit feel really bad about themselves giving them -1 attack and having everything that targets that unit +1 to hit in combat. going to sleep. She can resurrect a model a turn in units around her for free as well.

Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King

kurdoss valentian 2

kurdoss valentian stats

Kurdoss is a bruiser in close combat, boasting 5 Attacks with an excellent Rend of -2 and D3 (or, if you’re lucky, D6) Damage each, making him a pretty scary prospect in close combat, even to the most heavily armoured foes. Suffer No Rival is where Kurdoss really shines, re-rolling failed hit rolls against your enemy general, making him really useful for assassinating other Heroes

Kurdoss is a salty old “ruler” who can farm command points for you and best of all he takes them from the enemy! He just wants to hit the General with his Scepter really…really hard. He can re-roll failed hits with he scepter if he targets the enemy general and on a hit of a 6, it does D6 damage.

The model has 11 attacks total too. Granted over half of them can really only do damage against something wearing a T-shirt for armor.

Reikenor, the Grimhailer

reikenor model

Reikenor really shines in the Hero phase with his Corpse Candles ability. Sometimes, you really, really need a spell to go off – maybe there’s an enemy Hero who’s just asking to be suddenly and violently acquainted with the Purple Sun of Shyish, or perhaps you’ve got a combo in mind and you don’t want it to be unbound. Corpse Candles lets you do just that – and you can even use it to harm your enemies!

Reikenor is kind of the middle-ground between Olynder and Kurdoss. He’s got a decent number of attacks and can actually 2D3+1 mortal wounds a turn. His frightful touch rule actually does 2 mortal wounds instead of the 1 from Olynder’s Banshees.

He can cleave through lightly armored-multi wounded models by getting 4 attacks that do 2 damage a pop. Add the Reaped Like Cora rule and your enemy now has an issue they have to deal with. 

Nighthaunt definitely have some strong heroes lined-up. But how will they fare against some of the other units coming to AoS 2.0? What hero best fits your playstyle? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Page.

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