GW Previews New AoS Stormcast Rules

By Wesley Floyd | June 26th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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GW just previewed new Stormcast heroes rules today and we’ve got their entire breakdown for you. Looks like its cool to ride mounts into battle again.

Heroes of the Stormcast Eternals are making an appearance in AoS 2.0. Lead your forces with a legendary warrior and defeat the forces of Death.

Warhammer Community previewed Heroes of the Stormcast Eternals this morning. Let’s take a look at what we have to choose from to bolster our forces in AoS 2.0. How will they compare to the NIghthaunt heroes that were previewed yesterday?

Astreia Solbright

astreia solbright model GW Previews New AoS Stormcast Rules

astreia solbright

Like Lady Olynder, you don’t take Astreia for her melee abilities. She’s not terrible at combat, but her only real melee potential is when she charges. Her mount’s claws do D3 wounds instead of 1. Astreia is another mortal wound engine for Stormcast Eternals. She comes packed with a free AoE explosion of mortal wounds every game thanks to her spirit flasks. She also gets to essentially bring back a model a turn.

Her Spells are where she shines. Lightning Pulse can dish out some easy mortal wounds and the spell goes off only on a 5!  Prime Electrids buffs her Arcane bolt to do D3 mortal wounds and D6 on a roll of a 10+. Beware her Arcane Bolts, ladies, and gentlemen.

Don’t forget that Astreia Solbright is a Command Ability lynchpin. (you’ve got so many choices here.) She can choose to use her command ability in the hero phase, shooting phase, or combat phase. Astreia basically increases the overall badassery of Evocators, Castigators, and Sequitors by beefing them up with some magical mind protein.

Aventis Firestrike

aventis firestrike model

aventis firestrike

Aventis is a bit of a beatstick. Getting 8 attacks at -1 rend is something your opponent can’t ignore. Especially when you add in the fact that he’s a wizard on a big ugly dragon-horse thing. Aventis acts like a flare with his Comet Trail ability. Any units get to add 1 to hit rolls if they target a unit he flew over. He can also bring back a model per turn like Astreia can.

Aventis is the model you want to barrel into enemy units. Whenever he charges, on a 2+ he dishes out a mortal wound. On top of that, whenever he suffers a wound, you can give the wound right back to the enemy on a 5+.  He’s got those Spirit Flasks as well so he has the option to explode whenever he feels like it. Don’t forget that he can heal a wound for free in your hero phase.

Aventis is a nasty spellcaster because Stormcast Eternals are cool enough to get them now. Pyroelectric blast goes off on a 6 and does D3 mortal wounds to each unit an imaginary 9″ line passes through.  His Arcane Bolts are beefy like Astreia’s as well; Doing D3 mortal wounds instead of 1 and doing D6 on a casting roll of 10+.

His Command Ability is nothing to take lightly either. He can make an entire Hammers of Sigmar unit +1 to their wound rolls in the combat phase.

What do you think about the Stormcast Eternal heroes? Which one would you pick over the other? Let us know why in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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