GW Previews New Chaos Slaves to Darkness Rules

slaves-to-darkness-chaos-knights-army-book-boxGW just previewed a bunch of new Slaves to Darkness rules, so we can start thinking about how they will be played differently…

We’ve seen some pretty big leaks already, but it’s always good to get official previews, especially with so much included!

With how close the book is to release, there shouldn’t be too many changes; but remember, nothing is set in stone or confirmed until Games Workshop sends the book out!

Now let’s check out the rules!

GW Previews New Slaves to Darkness Rules

Coming straight from Warhammer Community, we’ve got a look into some faction-wide abilities.

std eye of the gods

Once these unfathomable entities’ eyes – or whatever strange ocular organs they possess – focus on their mortal heroes, great and terrible boons soon follow. When a unit with the EYE OF THE GODS keyword slaughters an enemy HERO or MONSTERS, or seizes control of an objective, they roll 2D6 and get a blessing from the Eye of the Gods table. 

Getting bonuses for doing what you’d do every game anyways is great! Getting those dice rolls looks like a bonus and not really a hassle, which is great to see.

std eye of the gods 1

Perhaps you’ll weather countless futile blows to claim the rotting resting site of a noxious artefact, piquing the interest of the Grandfather and earning a gift of Unholy Resilience, for a 6+ ward. Or maybe you’ll lop off enough heads to put a smile even on Khorne’s face, and be awarded with a Slaughterer’s Strength that improves your melee Rend characteristic by 1.**

Both of these are pretty solid bonuses, but the rend is probably better on average since you might already have a Ward Save on the model (it doesn’t improve ward saves the unit already has).

std eye of the gods 2

But the Chaos Gods are famously capricious – just ask their First Prince. There’s every chance that a storied legend making all the right noises can still be Snubbed by the Gods… or worse, attract the unwelcome attention of a deity ready to “bless” them with a one-way ticket to Spawndom.

Make sure to keep a spare Chaos Spawn handy for when your champions get more than they bargained for.

Of course, it will stink to get nothing, but turning into a Chaos Spawn is a more mixed result. If the character has taken some serious damage, then this is great! If he is untouched and was providing some good auras, then this will be a pretty bad outcome.

std mark of chaos undivided

While the EYE OF THE GODS is usually found on heroes, from the ruthless Darkoath Warqueen to the mighty Centaurion Marshal, the Mark of Chaos Undivided grants that vital keyword to any MORTAL and OGROID units willing to worship the whole pantheon. These units have a smaller range of results, making each roll more reliable – you won’t see a whole lance of Chaos Knights transformed into squirming tentacular beasts.

UNDIVIDED HEROES aren’t left out of the fun. They get to re-roll one die every time they make a roll on the table, helping them avoid disaster and ascend to immortality.

This is a great bonus to the entire faction. Little bonuses for doing what you want to do anyways is always welcome! Plus, being able to re-roll for your heroes is huge, especially when you get Spawndom at a bad time.

With so many leaks, official rules, and confirmed minis by GW, we hope the full release stays on track for a December/Winter release!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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