GW Reveals AoS Kharadron Overlords Battletome Rules

Kharadron-Overlords-new-rulesThe first preview on AoS’s Kharadron Overlords Sky Dwarves has finally hit the web, and it’s time to take a look at what’s been revealed!

Warhammer Community dropped the first wave of rules for the Kharadron Overlords that are coming in their next Battletome. Sit back, relax, as we go over everything there is to know about these Dwarves.

Kharadron Skyport Rules

kharadron overlords skyport faction rule 1The Kharadron Overlords have different Skyports where they hail from. In-game, this is essentially where they get their sub-factions. Of the ones previewed, Barak-Zon will want to spam Skyfarers and Skywardens for a bonus +1 to wound and hit respectively after a charge. It’s almost like the Blood Angels and Spaces Wolves rules in 40k were combined to make the Barak-Zon’s.

Kharadron Overlords Wal HorzBarak-Zilfin forces, on the other hand, can take gun-laden Arkanaut Frigates as their Battleline choice, meaning you can pack more of these massive skyvessels into your army than anyone else!

Kharadron Overlords Wal HorzBarak-Thryng is the swiss-army knife of all the Kharadron sub-factions. They have the ability to pull from any Duardin army and use them without the Ally restriction.

Forces dedicated to the City of the Ancestors are allowed to include Duardin from other armies in their force. Need a point held? A big brick of Hearthguard Berzerkers will do the trick! Struggling with enemy Wizards? Why not throw in a Runelord? Whatever kind of Kharadron Overlords army you want to play, chances are, it’s represented in Battletome: Kharadron Overlords.

Top Warscroll Tweaks Previewed

Kharadron Overlords Wal HorzKicking off Warscroll updates as well as how your opponent will deal with your army on the table, units inside your Skyvessels count as being embarked. This lets you shoot with your units that are inside as you fly by an enemy.

Skyvessels have been tweaked considerably. Now, units embarked upon them count as a garrison. In practice, this allows you to shoot out of your skyvessels as you fly by or repel boarders in melee.

Kharadron Overlords Wal HorzAre you tired of having your units mobbed up and having no clear area of space to fall back out of combat? Well, they’re getting a new rule called Fly High which lets them redeploy anywhere on the map more than 9″ away from enemy models.

kharadron overlords fly highThis seems pretty gross when you start to think about possible synergies. For example, Barak-Zilfin is able to take Arkanaut Frigates as a Battleline. And with the Fly High rule, they can just zip up into the atmosphere at the start of the game and plop down 9″ away from the enemy and light them up.

grundstok thunderers


kharadron overlords drive them backMost of your army will want to stay back and light the enemy up in a hail of gunfire. However, if you had to pick a unit to get caught in melee, it might be the Grundstok Thunderers. They’re are getting an ability called Drive Them Back! which gives them all a bonus shot with their missile weapons while they’re within 3″ of an enemy model.

New Endrinmaster Model Warscroll Spotted

aether war


aether war kharadron overlordsComing inside the Aether War Box Set, the Endrinmaster is also going to find his home inside the Kharadron Overlords Battletome and we’ve got a first look at his weapon profiles.

endrinmaster aether warLike his ground-based counterpart, this Endrinmaster is great for keeping your skyvessels in fighting shape, but is fast enough to keep pace with them while bombarding foes with a barrage of aethermatic fire.

This Dwarf might be small, but he’s mobile and looking to pack a big punch. However, it’ll all come down to points cost at the end of the day.

What do you think about these rules for the Kharadron Overlords? Will this be the new Alpha-Strike army in AoS? 

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