GW Reveals New AoS Ossiarch Bonereapers Rules

feast of bones box set bonereapersHere come the spooky bois! Don’t miss the first exciting preview for the new Ossiarch Bonereaper rules that will be coming our way next week!

Warhammer Community gave us a look inside the new Death faction at some of their rules and warscrolls. Take it all in and let us know how you think they’ll play!

They Get a Feel No Pain & Are Fearless

bonereapers deathless warriors

As per usual with Death, they get a 6+++ FNP within a certain range of key units or Heroes. Nothing too out of the ordinary there. In case you were wondering what a Hekatos was, GW filled in the gap:

Wondering just what the heck a Hekatos is? The Hekatos are the lieutenants of the Ossiarch Bonereapers, and capable commanders in their own right. In practice, this means they’ll help spread out the aura of Deathless Warriors and give you a 6+ chance to ignore wounds even when your Heroes are far away. 

bonereapers fearless ruleIf you were wanting to mass hordes of boney bois, you can feel pretty comfortable about it. You don’t have to ever worry about taking a battleshock test.

The Army Doesn’t Operate on Command Points

Ossiarch Bonereapers army

Army-wide nothing generates Command Points. Instead, they use Relentless Discipline points. These are generated by units like Katakros (who is the leader) right down to the individual units themselves, although you need to roll a 6 for the rank-and-file guys.

This is to show the strategical prowess of the souls imbued with the boney shells they call their bodies now.

ossiarch bone reapers

Because each unit in the Ossiarch Bonereapers army has the soul of a once-great warrior, most units come with their own command abilities that they can give themselves! They don’t need a hero to tell them what to do. For example, the Kavalos Deathriders can slam into the enemy lines and dish out mortal wounds.

bonereapers deathrider wedgeFor a simple point, you get the chance of dishing out a few mortal wounds before you fight AND pile in up to 6″!

Unlike other armies, you’ll nearly always get to benefit from your command abilities, with a wealth of relentless discipline points to spend every turn.  Best of all, relentless discipline points don’t need Heroes to use them, meaning your army will fight at peak efficiency even if your commanders are slain. 

Arkhan & Nagash Can Be Taken As Faction Units

nagash wal

If you’re feeling froggy, Arkhan and Nagash can be taken into your lists and not as allies. They can be included in your army just like any other Ossiarch Bonereaper Hero would. While you might not have the points to take them in every game, it’s definitely cool to see Death fans keep their named models relevant with an all-new faction.

Mortek Guard Warscroll

ossiarch bone reapers


bonereapers mortek guard

For the rank-and-file unit of the army, they come with a chunky 4+ armor save, but only have one wound to last them. With that said, they also get two attacks a pop with each swing (aside from the spear) rending. This will put most things at a 5+/6+ armor save to make. Taking blobs of these guys might be a cheap and effective blender unit after all. Those are impressive stats for a normal battleline unit. However, they also come with their own command ability.

bonereapers shield wallAs if a 4+ save wasn’t already impressive, they can use the Shieldwall command ability that lets them reroll save rolls!

Necropolis Stalkers Warscroll

ossiarch bone reapers

Necropolis Stalkers are husks imbued with the souls of multiple legendary warriors. Each specializing in a different kind of fighting style. to show this in-game, they’ll be able to use a variety of different combat bonuses.

bonereapers necropolis stalkers


bonereapers necropolis stalkers 2In addition to getting a flurry of multi-damage attacks with rending and screen-shredding spirit blades, they’ll be able to choose a different Aspect at the start of each combat phase. Rest assured that these guys won’t be easy to take down in hand-to-hand combat. Precision can bring your swings up to -3 rend and 3 damage flat. yikes.

Vokmortian: Named Master of the Bone-Tithe Character

bonereapers bone tithe unit

The guy who kept popping up in all the Tithe of Bones animated shorts turns out to be a named character. He’s coming inside of the Feast of Bone Box Set and is going to only be found in that set for now according to GW.

If you were wanting to know what he did for your army, Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook page teased his Grim Warnings rule ahead of this preview.

He’s definitely a caster of sorts and gets powered up whenever an enemy GENERAL dies within 3″. Not just any hero.

Bone Tithe Nexus Rules

While the official rules haven’t been revealed on the Bone-Tithe Nexus yet, it looks like they were spotted floating around the web earlier on and were translated from Spanish.

Bone-tithe nexus

While it’s in Spanish, some have taken to the internet to translate what it says. It looks like it’ll have four different effects in-game being:

  • Punishment of Lethargy (Castigo de Letargo): Choose a unit wholly within 18″ and fully visible. Roll a die, on a 4+ that unit cannot run until your next hero phase, in addition, they may only roll 1D6 to charge instead of 2D6 until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Death (Castigo de Muerte): Deal 1 mortal wound on a 2+ to an enemy unit within 36″.
  • Punishment of Ignorance (Castigo de Ignorancia): Choose an enemy Wizard within 36″ and on a 2+ subtract 1 to casting rolls, shooting, and unbinding until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Pain (Castigo de Dolor): Choose an enemy unit wholly within 18 and on a 4+, they must subtract 1 to their hit rolls until your next hero phase.

With this preview of rules under our belt, how do you think the Ossiarch Bonereapers will shape the game? Will they be a top army? What is your favorite unit out of the faction?

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