GW September New Releases Roadmap & Rumors

new-gw-releases-happy-guars-man-crispCheck out all the new releases, rumored and confirmed, that are coming for Warhammer this September from GW in our lastest roadmap update!

If you’ve seen our last roadmap post, we know there’s a ton in store for 2020. Narrowing the scope a bit more, with the help of some GW previews, we’re able to take a more filtered look at what should be in store for September.

GW September New Warhammer Release Roadmap

Eternal Crusade Battle Wal HorComing from Warhammer Community’s Saturday preview article, they actually told us plain and clear, for the most part, what’s coming in September. So here’s what we’ve got:

Horus Heresy- Crusade, Dark Angels & Night Lords

Heresy book 9 Crusade


Contekar Terminators


night lord terminator



lion eljonson horus heresyA new book called Crusade along with some new Night Lords and the Dark Angel’s big papa, the Lion are on the way for September. Actually, the first week of September…

Gather your Legions and prepare for the Crusade to begin on Saturday the 4th of September. The battles of the Horus Heresy are about to reach new levels of bitterness and treachery.

Warhammer Underworlds- Arena Mortis

whu release roadmap 2WHU fans are also going to be able to take place in a free-for-all soon!

Expanding on rules first presented in White Dwarf, Arena Mortis contains everything you need to use your existing fighters in thrilling multiplayer clashes. You’ll build power decks and battle to the death with a single fighter – and beyond, as the only way to gain glory is through kills, and no warrior stays dead for long…

arena mortis 2Arena Mortis will be coming your way in September. Keep your eyes open for lots more news – and for fighters sneaking up on you from behind…

Arena Mortis is going to be bringing new rules into the game as well as new cards and board tiles.

The Rest of the Lumineth Realm-lords Over Multiple Waves

Lumineth Realm-lords The ArmyWe know the rest of the Lumineth Realm-lords are also coming in September after GW mentioned it in an earlier preview post:

When the battletome and the rest of your army hits shelves in September, another huge update will add them all to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar app, and Azyr. 

It’s also worth pointing out that the Sons of Behemat may be trailing right behind all the Lumineth stuff.

And not long after, you’ll have something else to look forward to. Something massive – gargantuan, even…

So with three big releases on the way, there’s really just one week in September unaccounted for. Although, GW could technically split the Lumineth Realm-lords release into two weeks as they did with the Gloomspite Gitz (which is what they look to be doing).

lumineth realmlords FBSpotted on Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook Page, GW was seen commenting under some people’s questions. One of which gave us a two-week timeline to see all the Lumineth Realm-lords models hit the shelves.

9th Edition Terrain & Book Supplements?

9th edition mission pack beyond the veilVenture into the Pariah Nexus and battle under the baleful influence of the Necron technologies within. You’ll be able to play loads of missions at every game size and gain incredible rewards, including upgradeable wargear, new Battle Traits, and more.

It’s very unlikely that we’ll see GW go more than a month without releasing something for 40k. We know there are two supplement books and a new terrain kit previewed which puts these as good candidates for what may be a potential September 40k release.

40k terrain vertigusThe contents of this set will be enough to play Combat Patrol and Incursion-level games and can be combined with more boards and scenery for larger battles. This is just one of the new scenery sets you can look forward to.

9th edition mission tactical deploymentAs you build your scenery collection, you’ll want new ways to use it in your games – and the Chapter Approved Mission Pack: Tactical Deployment is a great way to do so. 

If we had to guess, we would see these 40k goods release by themselves for one week or maybe partner with something smaller (like Beastgrave’s Arena Mortis).

Or they may just be content with this licensed product offering for Warhammer 40k that was just announced for Sept 12th (week two of the Lumineth Realm-Lords release).

Bandai Imperial Fist & Salamander Intercessors

bandai walBandai just announced they are doing another round of Intercessor figures taking on the Imperial Fists and Salamanders!

Both of these action figures are going to stand 8″ tall with 53 different joints to pose them in. You’ll also be able to order the Imperial Fist and Salamander on September 12th FOR ONE WEEK ONLY

Once orders close, you won’t be able to grab one for yourself. On that note, where the Ultramarine Intercessor was limited to 9,000, this time around there’s an unlimited supply on these guys.

Beyond September & Into October

new 9th edition codexesAs we move into October after these September releases, we also can’t forget that the Sons of Behemat are still lurking around the corner as well as all the new Necron/ Space Marine models and codexes. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the larger portion of our roadmap that could extend into 2020 and beyond. 

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So what do you think about all that’s in store for September? Are any of these confirmed releases on your radar? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!