GW Shows Us How To Play AoS Tzeentch Their Way!

By James Rodriguez | January 26th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tactics, tzeentch, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Lord of Change

With all of the new Tzeentch models coming out, wouldn’t it be nice if you already had an idea on how to play them? Check out these tips for Age of Sigmar!

Games Workshop just dropped a couple get started quick tips for the Tzeentch in Age of Sigmar. We’re going to highlight a few key ones.

Tzaangor in Battle

It’s no secret that the Tzeentch are all about magic, so keeping your Shamans nearby will give your army a little more power. The enemy will tremble when his abilities kick in for any units within range of him.

Tzaangor in Battle

Are you losing troops faster than you can blink? No problem! Once again the Shaman has you covered with the ability to cast spells to turn enemy units into Tzaangor. You know what i like about Tzeentch? Their army gets smaller and your army stays the same size!

Tzaangor in Battle

Tzaangor are a cheap yet strong unit in numbers, the more you bring the better. While chipping away at your opponent’s army they act as a buffer for your casters. And it’s not that big of a deal if you lose a couple, because the Shamans can just summon more.

Tzaangor in Battle

For any Age of Sigmar player having to decide to run or charge can be difficult at times. With Tzeentch you no longer have to make that decision, you can run and charge in the same turn. Ultimately putting you in the opponent’s face faster than expected, possibly turn 1. Things just got really awkward, really freaking fast!

We recently did a review on the Tzeentch Batteltome in case you missed it. Also, there’s more Tzeentch tips over on the Age of Sigmar Facebook page, head on over there and check them out.

The Tzeentch definitely seem to be coming out swinging full force! Is this an army you’re thinking about playing? Let us know in the comments below.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth

disciples of tzeentch

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