GW’s August New Release Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED!

Check out the full lineup and pricing for August’s new Games Workshop releases. Skirmish games are getting even more love coming soon!

Multiple retailers have already confirmed the prices of GW’s next release wave. With the focus being on Warcry and Necromunda, Skirmish games are getting even more love.

Corvus Cabal Warband $50

These dudes are dressed like birds and will be able to scale the terrain in the game like nobody’s business. That being said, it looks like they don’t have too much heavy armor on their side.

The Unmade Warband $50

The Unmade are a Warband out of the realm of Death and wear their own faces as belt buckles. Do we need to add anything else?

The Splintered Fang Warband $50

The Splintered Fang focus on poisoning their enemy where they stand. In-game, they’ll be able to paralyze units effectively shutting them down for a turn.

Warcry: The Shattered Stormvault $90

You might have seen this from the AoS Forbidden Power line. However, it looks like some pieces were thrown together to form a new box with terrain perfect for Warcry-sized maps.

Necromunda Enforcer Patrol $42.00

These dudes are the SWAT team of Hive Cities rocking body armor and bolt guns. It’s been all about gangs at this point but the Enforcers are coming to crash the party.

Enforcer Dice $15

Enforcer Tactics Card Pack $15

If you want to experience the most that this team has to offer, grab a tactics card pack!

Black Library:

black library

Primarchs: Konrad Kurze: The Night Haunter (HB) $19

Necromunda: The Book of Judgement (HB) $47

Webstore Exclusives:

Necromunda: Intrigues & Rackets Card Pack $27

Dramatis Personae 1 Card Pack $15

Underdog Card Pack $15

With Necromunda and Warcry as the focus of next week’s big lineup, what will you be getting? Have Enforcers finally attracted you enough to try Necromunda? Which Warband will you be playing in Warcry? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!