GW’s Latest Banned & Restricted List For WHU


Warhammer Underworlds got a few more cards added to the restricted list. Check out the details and see how you need to modify your decks!

Warhammer Community dropped the word that even more cards have been added to their restricted list. These have been added on to the original list which we’ve covered a while back. Check out what cards got hit with the nerf bat! In this wave of card edits, nothing has been banned.

Games Workshop has already come out and said that these restrictions/bannings were in preparation for the new Warhammer Underworlds expansion: Beastgrave.

We’re really excited for the arrival of Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave! Ahead of Season 3, we want to make sure that you’re all enjoying your games of Warhammer Underworlds to their utmost in the meantime. We also want to encourage dynamic, fast-paced play where positioning and tactics are key, rather than sitting back and relying on sorcery to win the battle every time.

Universal Objective Restricted Cards Added

whu restriction

  • Sorcerous Scouring
  • Acolyte of the Katophranes
  • Burst of Speed
  • Calculated Risk
  • Warning Shot

Universal Objective Restricted Cards Added

whu restriction 2

  • Sorcerous Flourish
  • Upper Hand
  • Sphere of Aqshy

Upgrades Restricted Cards Added

whu restriction 3

  • Spiritbond
  • Archer’s Focus
  • Well of Power

The rules of Restricted Cards prevent any player from having more than five cards from the list in their deck. The purpose of adding cards to the Restricted list is to prevent every deck looking the same with cherry-picked powerhouse cards. The studio wants to keep the game fluid and ever-changing. That being said, these changes have been made to prep for Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave expansion.

This should all serve as a positive sign as some kind of play-testing has gone into the new update before it hits the shelves!

What do you think about the cards that have been added to the restricted list? Which ones have you been using in your deck? Has spellcasting been nerfed even more? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!