This weeks pre-orders have been spotted and we’re seeing the new General’s Handbook, AoS box sets, and some new releases from Black Library.
Multiple retailers have confirmed the new pre-orders and prices. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up from pre-order this weekend. Prices are in GBP.
General’s Handbook £20
Age of Sigmar: Open War Cards £10
Warscrolls: Ironjawz £10
Warscrolls: Bonesplitterz £10
Warscrolls: Sylvaneth £10
Warscrolls: Beastclaw Raiders £10
Warherds: Bloodfeast Gorgers £45
Slaves to Darkness: Harbringers of Ruin £50
Daughters of Khaine: Blood Coven £60
Collegiate Arcana: Mystic Battle Wizards £25
Spiderfang Grotz: Venom Clan £40
Aleguzzler Gargants: Colossal Crushers £45
Deathrattle: Barrow Lands £40
Nighthaunt: Torments Spirits £32.50
Deathworld: Barbed Venomgorse £35
Deathworld: Shardwrack Spines £20
Deathworld Eldritch Ruins £25
This week’s pre-orders are full of new Age of Sigmar bundles alongside the new General’s Handbook. We’re also going to be getting some new releases from Black Library. Be sure to check back with us later this week for the First Look where we’ll have the pictures of all the items that will be available.
What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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