GW’s New Start Collecting Price Strategy: Greywater Fastness & Anvilguard

By Tim Roberts | October 6th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Product Review, Unboxing, Videos

start collecting gw hits $100

The newest Start Collecting bundles are here for Age of Sigmar! Come and take a look and see if they are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars!

Welcome back hobby maniacs today we are going to take a look at the new Start Collecting deals for the Graywater Fastness and the Anvilgard.

We are going to take a look at the values of these new bundles as well as what you get in these new offerings from Games Workshop. So with no further ado let’s get started.

Start Collecting: Anvilgard: $100

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market or Dicehead Games

anvilgardInside you’ll find:

  • Scourgerunner Chariot $45
  • Black Ark Corsairs $30
  • Kharibdyss $65
  • Fleetmaster $25

Total MSRP $165

Total Savings: $65

The first thing you will notice is the price jump. It looks like most Start Collecting bundles have been on the rise slightly and these are no exception. With that being said there is still some value to be had with these new boxes as you can see above.

They also both come with a cool battalion formation rule to use in narrative play as well.

AoS SC Vid 10-4-19

One thing to note with these boxes is that the Fleetmaster, as well as the Warden King, are still on the decorative square base of old. The instructions say to trim the base down with a hobby knife and glue it to a round base. If you are going to go that route make sure you are super careful using your knife.

Start Collecting Greywater Fastness: $100

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market or Dicehead Games

greywater fastnessAs for the Greywater Fastness Start Collecting, you’re also getting 13 minis:

  • Gyrobomber $50
  • Ironbreakers $50
  • Warden King $25
  • Cogsmith $25

Total MSRP: $150

Total Savings: $50

AoS SC Vid 10-4-19

These new Start Collecting Boxes are a great way to get started with the new Cities of Sigmar or add some new allies to your current army.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our video below!