GW’s Next Week Releases: Prices & Lineup CONFIRMED!

generals Handbook 2019

A new White Dwarf magazine and the Generals Handbook is on deck along with Black Library releases galore. Take a look at the confirmed prices and lineup.

If you’ve been needing something to spend your hobby $$$ on, take a look at this next wave of releases coming from GW with prices already confirmed by multiple retailers!

White Dwarf June 2019 $9

white dwarf june

June’s White Dwarf is going to be centered around the Fyreslayers in AoS and some more Vigilus content. With their new White Dwarf schedule moving to the magazine release in the middle of the month, we can finally get our hands on June’s copy soon!

Age of Sigmar General’s Handbook 2019 $35

General's Handbook 2019

The General’s handbook should address some units stats as well as the addition of Mercenary Companies to your armies. This is essentially Age of Sigmar’s version of Chapter Approved.

AoS General’s Handbook Warlord Edition $75

If you like to go all out in the hobby, you can get the Warlord Edition of the General’s handbook. This usually comes with some special full-art cover and extra goodies inside. Just keep in mind that this only going to be available for a limited time so you’ll need to make up your mind on getting it early!

Black Library Releases:

Soul Wars (PB) $14

soul wars

Nagash is rising. As his legions march forth from Shyish to bring death to all the realms, the Anvils of the Heldenhammer stand firm in Glymmsforge, a city of Order in the heart of Nagash’s domain…

Soul Wars is coming to us in Paperback. Originally released as an Audiobook and E-Book, we can actually get a physical copy of the story behind the Necroquake and so much more.

Shield of the Emperor (PB) $21

All in all, we’ve got some exciting releases with mostly everything centered around AoS. With all of the support the game has been getting lately, we definitely recommend you give it a try. It could be your breath of fresh air from what you normally play! Let us know which of the next releases you’ll be grabbing in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.