GW’s Seraphon Lizardmen & Start Collecting: FIRST LOOK

warhammer gw store first lookThe Seraphon update is finally here! Don’t miss the next faction for AoS and some new Start Collecting boxes that are going on pre-order today.

Start Collecting Boxes roll around every now and then, this time we’ve got a handful of AoS factions getting the treatment! Of course, the long-awaited Seraphon update is also here!

Start Collecting Skinks

start collecting skinks

Start Collecting Gloomspite Gitz

Start collecting Gloomspite gitz

Start Collecting Daughters of Khaine

start collecting Daughters of khaine

Seraphon Battletome

Seraphon Battletome

Seraphon Realmshaper Engine

Seraphon Terrain

Realmshaper engine

Webstore Exclusive

Seraphon Battletome LTD ED.

seraphon limited

Will you be grabbing any new Start Collectings from above? What would be your dream Age of Sigmar Start Collecting box?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!