Hidden in Plain Sight: More Ossiarch Bonereapers SPOTTED!

bonereapers ossiarch wal hor

Even more Ossiarch Bonereaper models have been spotted, hidden in plain sight! Check out the new terrain feature and two new models.

Age of Sigmar has an incredible Death faction in store coming in the days ahead. But recently, we’ve just seen more units coming to the army.

Take a closer look at some of the units that popped up on the web just recently. Warhammer Community dropped a preview shortly after showcasing one of the new models, but by looking at a few more pictures, there is a lot that still needs to be covered.

Gothizzar Harvester

gothizzar harvester

Spotted all over the web recently, we got the first look at the Gothizzar Harvester. While details were a bit hard to distinguish, we knew that there was some kind of massive bony monstrosity lying in wait.

ossiarch bonereaper gothizzar harvester

Just shortly after, GW published official previews, showing off all of its insane features! The shape of the Gothizzar Harvestor is somewhat similar to a Skaven Stormfiend crossed with a Corpse Cart, just a nightmarishly scarier version. And while we haven’t seen the official rules preview on this guy just yet, GW gave us a little nugget on how he’ll play in-game:


gothizzar harvester 2

 It doesn’t just smash through enemy units though, it also collects their bones and can even help build new creations in the heat of battle. The kit is festooned with weapon options and a choice of bestial skull options too – we can’t wait to get our hands on it.

Pretty snazzy unit generator right??

Immortis Guard

immortis guard

As for the more elite infantry of the Bonereapers, the Immortis Guard carry halberds and shields and should stand out among the normal rank-and-file units of the army. These should be a solid backbone unit that you can seed into the frontlines of your force and watch the enemy slow down once they reach these guys.

But wait, there’s still a lot more that needs to be uncovered.

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Warhammer previewed this picture of the largest selection of Ossiarch Bonereaper models to date. And in the ranks of bone and magic, there were some models spotted that we still need a better description of.

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One of them is what looks like a Skeleton sitting with his legs crossed on a walking chair. To top things off, some kind of huge spirit is springing out of his chest. Is this a Hero model like some kind of spiritual leader? Or is he just the faction’s go-to Wizard unit?

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Over on the left side, there is a dude riding a three-tailed skeleton horse who was actually a part of a rumor engine from earlier!

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rumor engine 4-23-19

We caught the back-end of his tail in an earlier rumor engine, but it looks like he’s got a similar model to some of the more recent Stormcast characters with mounts.


With a glowing green bony spear, that guy might be a spooky Halloween version of Vandus Hammerhand.

A Named Character Datasheet- Kavalos Zandtos

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In the same early picture from above, a Spanish datasheet of a unit named Kavalos Zandtos appeared. The image is blurry and the text is too small to find any details, but looking at the picture on the upper right, could that be an all-new model we have yet to see? Or is that the skeleton sitting on the walking chair?

Faction Terrain Piece: Bone-tithe Nexus

Bone-tithe nexus

Finally, it looks like there might have been the datasheet for the Ossiarch Bonereapers’ terrain piece uncovered. Being called the Bone-tithe Nexus, it looks like it’ll be a four-headed statue made of stone and bone with piles of skeletal remains laying on its steps.

While it’s in Spanish, some have taken to the internet to translate what it says. It looks like it’ll have four different effects in-game being:

  • Punishment of Lethargy (Castigo de Letargo): Choose a unit wholly within 18″ and fully visible. Roll a die, on a 4+ that unit cannot run until your next hero phase, in addition, they may only roll 1D6 to charge instead of 2D6 until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Death (Castigo de Muerte): Deal 1 mortal wound on a 2+ to an enemy unit within 36″.
  • Punishment of Ignorance (Castigo de Ignorancia): Choose an enemy Wizard within 36″ and on a 2+ subtract 1 to casting rolls, shooting, and unbinding until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Pain (Castigo de Dolor): Choose an enemy unit wholly within 18 and on a 4+, they must subtract 1 to their hit rolls until your next hero phase.

Ultimately, it was nice seeing an official Warhammer Community preview on even more of the Bonereapers. However, it’s no debate that we still have a lot to cover. We’ve just scratched the tip of the iceberg!

What do you think about all of the units hiding in plain sight? Who or what is Kavalos Zandtos? Do you think the dude sitting in the chair with legs is a named character? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!