Today we wanted to show you a quick and cheap way to make extremely helpful game aids for Age of Sigmar, so get ready Hobbymaniacs!
Here is an extremely simple and cheap way to make some solid game aids for Age of Sigmar to help you remember all the actions and special rules that are so easily forgotten!
All you need is a pack of index cards, some all purpose labels, markers, 25mm bases and of course the General’s Handbook to get the rules from!
Next, just go through your rule books and try to think of any condition that may apply to you in a game of Age of Sigmar. In this case we are going to write “A” on some stickers for units who have already activated, NO BS for units that are immune to Battle Shock, +1 HIT and HIT -1 for any units that are effected by any hit modifiers and then simply just stick these stickers to our 25mm bases.
To help remember the Allegiance Abilities, Artifacts, and Traits, we just grab an index card and just write them down for the army we are playing. This way it will be sitting right in front of us during game play so we can’t forget that we have it.
If you happen to be under points you MUST roll on the Triumph chart. To remember this we just take our index cards again and wrote down all the triumphs so they wouldn’t be forgotten if needed.
There are also special formation abilities that come into play if certain formations are taken. So we do the same thing with the index cards that was already done for all the other abilities we needed to remember.
Lastly we cut the cards to size using scissors or a paper cutter. It is quite rewarding, and also therapeutic to chop things forcefully!
Check out the entire tutorial in this video.