How to Play AoS Disciples of Tzeentch: 2000 Points

disciples-of-tzeentch-battletomeHere is how to play Disciples of Tzeentch in AoS, focusing on building Cult of Transient Form and Eternal Conflagration 2,000 points armies!

Disciples of Tzeentch are here, and while the book didn’t change a whole lot, it did clean up a few things and make some tweaks here and there.

Check out the other articles in our Age of Sigmar How To Play Disciples of Tzeentch series below:

Battletome Disciples of Tzeentch

Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch Retail Price: $55

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Let’s start our sub-faction breakdown by first looking at the overall army abilities.

Tzeentch Army-Wide Rules:

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  • Arcane Armies: In the first battleground, after setting up but before the first player takes their turn, the Disciples of Tzeentch player cast a single Disciples of Tzeentch Endless spell that cannot be unbound and dispelled the first turn.
  • Change Covens: You can pick one of the following sub-factions: Cult of the Transient Form, Eternal Conflagration, Guild of Summoners, Host Arcanum, Host Duplicitous, or the Pyrofane Cult.
  • Legions of Chaos: 2 in every 4 units can be from Slaves to Darkness, and 1 in every 4 can be from Beasts of Chaos
  • Locus of Change: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target friendly Disciple of Tzeentch daemon units if the friendly unit is wholly within 12” of a friendly hero.
  • Masters of Destiny: At the end of deployment roll 9 dice and put them to one side. You can use these dice instead of rolling a dice for one of the following rolls: Casting, Unbinding, Dispelling, Run, Charge, Hit, Wound, Save, Damage, and Battleshock.
  • Summoning Table: Receive a fate point every time a spell is cast, and you can use them to summon anything from a Screamer of Tzeentch (3 points) to a Lord of Change (30 points)
  • Spawn: If a model is transformed into a spawn it is turned into a Tzeentch Chaos Spawn
  • Unique spells, artifacts, and command abilities

How to Play Disciples of Tzeentch: Cult of Transient Form 2000 Points

tzeentchLet’s start by taking a look at the Cult of Transient Form and how we might build a list around this faction. (When Kairic Acolyte dies roll a die on a 2-5 the model can fight before removal, on a 6, add a Tzaangor model to friendly Tzangor Host within 9”)

  • Curseling: Leader 1 of 6, 180 Points
  • Fluxmaster: Leader 2 of 6, 170 Points
  • Gaunt Summoner on Disc of Tzeentch: Leader 3 of 6, 275 Points
  • Magister on Disc of Tzeentch: Leader 4 of 6, 145 Points
  • Fatemaster: Leader 5 of 6, 145 Points
  • Tzaangor Shaman: Leader 6 of 6, 135 Points
  • 20 Kairic Acolytes: Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 4, 240 Points
  • 20 Tzaangors: Battleline 2 of 3, Reinforcement 2 of 4, 350 Points
  • 10 Horrors of Tzeentch (Pink): Batteline 3 of 3, 250 Points
  • Burning Sigil of Tzeentch: 50 Points, Endless Spell
  • Chronomantic Cogs: 40 Points, Endless Spell
  • Total 1980


This list has a lot of options, so let’s cover them before we go into how this army might play. First, I am putting everything but the Pink Horrors and Tzaangors into a Warlord Battalion to get a bonus artifact, and then the Horrors and Tzaangors will go into Expert Conquerors for the bonus model counts.

For spell selections, the Curseling is getting Infusion Arcanum, Fluxmaster is getting unstable mutation, Magister on Disc of Tzeentch is getting Bolt of Tzeentch, Fatemaster (who is getting Arcane Tome) will take Glimpse the Future, Gaunt Summoner on Disc of Tzeentch is getting Treason of Tzeentch, and finally the Tzaangor Shaman is getting the Treacherous Bond.

Along with the Arcane Tome, we are going to give the Gaunt Summoner the Nine-Eyed Tome, and then make out Magister on Disc our general and give them Cult Demagogue. For load outs, the Horror of Tzeentch will take Split and Split again, and the Acolytes and Tzaangors will take the Cursed Blade / Savage Blade and Shield for that ward save.

This is an interesting list as the sub-faction is basically encouraging you to sacrifice your Acolytes, with the strike back and chances of turning into Tzaangors. It’s a neat ability, and I think you can play loose with the Acolytes and Tzaangor block with the Shaman to form a sort of block. If you want to get crafty, you can put the Tzaangors and Acolytes in the Gaunt Summoner’s silver tower and get them into your opponent’s backfield turn one.

The Horrors are a great tar pit, stick them where your opponent is going to be sending a chunk of their force and let them do what they do. Get as many casts as possible off with your heroes for those summoning points, and maybe you will get lucky and create some spawns to help slow down your opponent.

Overall I think there are stronger sub-factions in this book, but this one could be a fun one to play.

Eternal Conflagration 2,000 Point Army

disciples of tzeentch battletomeNext, we are going to look into the Eternal Conflagration. (Rend for warpflame, billowing warpflame, and magical flames missile weapons are increased by 1)

  • Curseling: Leader 1 of 6, 180 Points
  • Magister on Disc of Tzeentch: Leader 2 of 6, 145 Points
  • Lord of Change: Leader 3 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4, 400 Points
  • 6 Flamers of Tzeentch: Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 4, 380 Points
  • 3 Flamers of Tzeentch: Battleline 2 of 3, 190 Points
  • 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Battleline 3 of 3, 250 Points
  • Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch: 120 Points, No Unit Type
  • Mutalith Vortex Beast: Behemoth 2 of 3, 175 Points
  • Burning Sigil of Tzeentch: 50 Points, Endless Spell
  • Chronomantic Cogs: 40 Points, Endless Spell
  • Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws: 60 Points, Endless Spell
  • Total 2000 Points

This is a one-drop list because you are going to need to dictate who is going first or second turn one, otherwise your flamers can just get shot off the board. For my artifact, I am taking the Orb of Mutation on my Lord of Change, who I am arming with a sword.

The orb will allow me to add 1 to wound rolls for my flamers, and if needed to clear out some space for the flamers, my Lord of Change can charge an opponent and be better with the sword. (Plus, I think it looks the coolest). For spells, I am giving the Curseling Infusion Arcanum to boost his pretty decent shooting and melee profile.

On the Magister on Disc of Tzeentch, I am giving him Arcane Suggestion as a nice utility spell. The Magister also got Cult Demagogue, so that doubles no longer turn him into a spawn and give him a good chance at casting additional spells.

This army is all about using your flamers to dish out wounds to your opponent. Keep that block of 6 boosted with them being near the exalted flamer and your Lord of Change so that they can dish out multiple D3 wound shots that your opponent hopefully will not save. Using the Vortex Beast and Pink Horrors as bodies in the way of him. You’re going to try and lock down your opponent with the Gnashing Jaws, and the Chaos Spawn you create with the Sigil and your Magister on Disc.

Use your Curseling and Lord of Change to remove any magical threats that your opponent brings, while hopefully, the spawn and flamers can lock down and outshoot any of your opponents’ ranged threats. You’re basically going to be kiting around the board, picking off your opponent’s units. Just don’t lose your flamers or you are pretty much dead at that point.

There you have it, the first two armies from the Disciples of Tzeentch book. With these two sub-factions, I think Eternal Conflagration is the better of the two. You could even drop the Cogs and Mutalith Vortex beast to add three more flamers for even more ranged damage.

Be sure to check out the other articles in our Age of Sigmar How To Play Disciples of Tzeentch series below:

More AoS How-To For Beginners & Veteran Players!

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