How To Play Skaven Pestilens – Your First 1000pts

By Travis Perkins | April 4th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, How To Tutorial, Skaven, Tactics

Skaven walpaper

With the new Khorne book around the corner and the new release of the Stormcast Eternals book, it seems GW is revisiting its Battletomes for Age of Sigmar.

This is great in that those books while containing awesome art work and fluff, really do not hold up to the state of the game currently. So that being said it would not surprise me if we see a new release for the Skaven battletome that also contains the Skaven Pestilens, so let’s build a 1000 point starter army around them.

As usual this is based around the start collecting box set. Currently going for $70 on ebay.

The start collecting comes with some really cool models and give you a great start to this army. You get both Battlelines, a Warmachine, and heavy hitting leaders. Coming in at 540 points

  • Plague Furnace (220 points) Leader 1 of 4 and Behemoth 1 of 2
  • Plagueclaw (180 points) 1 of 2 Artillery
  • 20 Plague Monks (140 points 70 for 10) Battle line 1 of 2

Plague Furnace: This is reliant on other Skaven around it, so get into battle with its starting move a 4 but for every 3 Skaven within 1 inch to add 1 to its movement. If you form a U shape around it you can add 3-4 inches to its move and add to its attack profile. Speaking of which, it has a 4+ save, 12 wounds, and 10 bravery so pretty average. It has a melee attack with a staff: 3 attacks at range 2, hitting on a 4+ and wounding on a 3+ with no rend doing D3 damage. Then its rusty wheel attack which if there was 10 Skaven within 1 inch on its charge is: 2D6 attacks range 1 hitting on 2+ (damage table), wounding on a 3+.

Finally what you really get it for is its special attack which has a range of 3 where you pick a point. All units within 2 inches of that point on a 4 plus take a D6 mortal wounds (Damage Table). This is on top of a AoE that in your hero phase all non Pestilen units within 3 inches take a D3 mortal wounds on a 4 up. It is also a priest and can pray to boost a Pestilens unit within 13 either re-rolling wound rolls or letting them pile in and attack before removing them as a casualty. Finally it adds 1 to the bravery of all Pestilens within 5 inches.

Plague Monks: With a move of 6, no save, 5 bravery, and 1 wound these guys are pretty much asking to be shot. However should you get them into combat they can hit pretty hard. They have a Foetid Blade attack: 2 attacks (3 when charging) hitting and wounding on a 4 and then I like to use the woe-stave which is a range 2 attack hitting on a 4 and wounding on a 5. Where they can do some damage though is if you use your book of woe which every unit with 13 inches of your leader on a 4 up takes a mortal wound.

if you then take the contagion banner once per battle you can use its power to make it so that wound rolls cause a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. (Combine that with the plague furnace re roll wound rolls prayer) Finally the bale chime gives your wound rolls of 6, a -1 rend.

Plague Claw: Move of 3, 5+ save (4+ shooting), 4 bravery, and 6 wounds for this piece of artillery. It has a ranged attack of 6-31 inches hitting and wounding on a 3+ with -2 rend for D6 damage. If the unit has 10 or more models the damage is 2D6 and you can add +1 to hit. This is your standard destroy big units of guys piece of artillery.

We want to shoot for the Congregation of Filth battalion so you will need two units of 20 plague monks to maximize that, so will need a box of 20 (30 bucks). Then add in your heavy hitter which is the Verminlord Corruptor (60 on eBay).

  • 20 Plague Monks (140 points 70 for 10) Battleline 2 of 2
  • Congregation of Filth (60 points) Battalion
  • Verminlord Corruptor (240 points) Leader 2 of 4, Behemoth 2 of 2

Congregation of Filth: Made up of two units of plague monks and the plague furnace this lets your plague monks re roll failed charge rolls and gives them a 6+ ward save against all wounds. Which for a unit with no save is a big bonus. It also gives you a bonus artifact so that your Verminlord and plague furnace can each have one.

Veminlord Corruptor: The head rat of the army, this bad boy can dish out some pain. His stats are awesome with a move 12 (damage table), 4+ save, 10 bravery, and 12 wounds. He has a range 6 missile weapon with 5 attacks (damage table) hitting on a 3, wounding on a 4. Then you have his melee weapon the Plaguereapers, which has 10 attacks (damage table) hitting and wounding on a 3+ for 1 damage. He re rolls missed hit rolls for the melee weapon and if he doesn’t kill something on a 2+ at the end of combat they suffer a mortal wound.

His command ability is amazing in that it adds 1 to all attack too all melee weapons for 1 unit. (So plague monks would get 2 bonus attacks if equipped with woe-staff). On top of that he is a wizard so can cast and unbind. His unique spell is plague which has a range of 13 and a casting value of 6. Roll a dice for every model in the unit and on a 6 they suffer a mortal wound. Then on a 4+ it spreads to a nearby enemy unit within 7 and continue to do so until there are not more units in range or you roll or lower then a 4.

There you have it! For about $160 you have a solid 980 point vanguard Skaven Pestilence Warband.would-you-like-to-know-more-logo-starship-troopers

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