Is It a Must-Have? AoS 2019 Generals Handbook Review

By Tim Roberts | June 24th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Outside of the points changes, is their enough content in the 2019 Generals Handbook to make it a must-have? Let’s take a closer look!

The time has come around again, and Age of Sigmar is changing forever. Are the changes good or bad? We’ll give you the facts to decide for yourself.

Just as previous editions of the of years past the General’s Handbook 2019 is $35 here in the states. However, this go around it features two books for the price of one. The first contains all the points changes, and the other has all the new content for Age of Sigmar.

Points Changes


The new Pitched Battle profiles book contains all the new points change for your favorite armies, but there are notably 5 factions missing from the points change section.

It’s unclear at this time if they will be publishing an online download update for these new factions that received no points updates.

  • Flesh Eater Courts
  • Fyreslayers
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh
  • Skaven
  • Gloomspite Gitz

However, one of the best things about this book is that if there are changes made, GW has put a star beside the unit’s name for fast reference.


We have seen a sneak preview of the new Mercenary Companies already, and of course, their full rules are in the book for all to use as well.

New Command Abilities

If you are looking to add these to your Matched Play army, points wise they count towards your allies. However, they will cost you one command point off the top when you start your game. That being said they could be worth it in the right gameplay situations.


Speaking of Matched Play, we have 3 new Command Abilities for 2019. All out Attack, for example, allows you to reroll one’s to hit within twelve inches of a hero. That should net you some extra hits depending on the unit it is being given to!


Meeting Engagements is a really cool addition that introduces quick and easy 1000 point games of AoS. With these new rules you could play a 5 round tournament in the time it takes to play two standard games of Age of Sigmar!

With the new General’s Handbook, you can streamline gameplay and add even more versatility to the games you love. For a more in-depth look at the changes for Aos make sure you check out our video below.

About the Author: Tim Roberts